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I Cant believe my eyes!!!!!!


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PACO IS MAKING ALL THE FIRST MOVES!!!!!!!!!! Feeding my son dinner, walking around cleaning, seems quiet come into the living room and Paco is hanging with the cats and dogs on the floor!!!! She started following me everywhereeee. So I sat on the couch and here comes paco towards me, stepped on my foot climbed up my leg and just sat and hung out on the couch with me!!! We were eating snacks together she made a mess lol, She kept trying to climb up onto my sons high chair with him in it and I didnt want her to get spooked by him, so I try and push it out of her reach and of course I end up spooking her instead! She took flight! Right onto my back/shoulder! This all just happened so fast. I cant believe how well shes adapting, tomorrow will be my one week with her! Heres some pics :) Sorry not best quality on my phone.


Paco with One of our Dogs




Paco exploring our fridge




Paco climbed up my leg!!!! First time Ive held her!




Last but not least!!! Paco hanging out on the couch with me making a mess :)


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UPDATE!!!!: Were Not as cool As I thought! LOL


About 5 min after I posted this, every time I walked by Pacos cage she kept lifting her leg like she wanted to step up. So I figured what could go wrong? Well she did and it was a huge FAIL!!


She wouldnt let go!



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OOps, I responded before I scrolled up to read the new posts. Sorry about that pinch it looks painful. It could be she is accustomed to being offered a hand in a certain way. I know Miss Gilbert will only step up to my right hand. Paco may have been "testing" the branch and when she pinched you "it" became unstable so she was hanging on for dear life. I am giving her the benefit of the doubt. It could be she was overstimulated and wanted to be with your again but couldn't take the excitement. It sure hurts, physically as well as emotionally. As you get to know her it will get better. The time she was following you and interacting was pretty awesome though.

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You are making good progress with Paco but you may have rushed it a bit and so you got the bite, back off a little and take it slower but above all things don't take it personally.



Thanks for the advice Judy! Would it really be considerd be rushing it? I mean I didn't make/ask/ or force her to come off her cage, explore, and climb up onto my lap all by herself. Nor did I ask or make her put her foot out to try and get onto me. Id appreciate it if you could get a little more in detail on what part I might have rushed. (In no means am I trying to come off mad or arguing, just trying to learn) So at what point should I let her do these type of things, she made the first move, should I have rather ignored her? And act like I don't care that she's trying to step off onto me? Or do I just talk to her instead? What should I do in these situations to not be considerd rushing, and to take it slow instead

Edited by KatieG17
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No expert here, but I'm wondering if Paco is coming around (which your pics indicate) but just hasn't reached the level of trust yet to step up? Good point about you not knowing "how" Paco steps up either. That's the problem with a rehome. They are programmed to do things a certain way, you don't know what it is, and change doesn't come easy to them. All, in all, great progress though! :)

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I believe you may need to use a perch for the step up when she requests by raising a talon. That is possibly what the previous owner used. :)


From the photos and your description of her exploring and hanging out with you all, she does not seem at all fearful of the new surroundings our people and pets in the home which is great. There is nothing wrong with letting her explore as you are. The hardest part of having a rehomed grey is learning the up close and personal interactions, how they are used to doing etc. from her previous home. You'll learn over time and I hope you can avoid the bites as yo learn her body language to avoid those bites. Well at least the majority of them. We all pretty much get a bite every now and then because they are master of the poker face and sucker bite. She seems very happy in your home to me. :)


Thanks for sharing all the photos, I love them!!!

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Part of the dance of getting acclimated to a new rehomed grey is two steps forward and one step back. There is no way of knowing when to respond to their overtures and when to wait. Every day is different. I got a lot of bites and mixed signals from Gilbert in the beginning because what I thought she was asking from me, was not what she really wanted. She wavered between really really wanting me to scratch her head and biting me when I got close. It has taken me two years to recognize that just because she tucks her head and asks me for a head scratch, it isn't necessarily what she can tolerate at any given moment. It's hard to explain. For her first big outing in her new home Paco was cooperating, getting to know the lay of the land. She may have offered you a step up because she thought she was "supposed" to but was too overstimulated to control herself. It is too hard to know without being there. Our Miss Gilbert doesn't pin her pupils, but something very subtle that I have learned is the shape of her eye. If it looks like an "O" very big and wide it is not a good time to approach her. If it looks like an almond shape, she is more apt to be relaxed. When she really really wants a scratch, she holds the bars with one foot, tucks her head and either I can not see her eye because she is tucked under her leg, or her eye is closed. It has only take me two years and one really bad bite to understand what she really can tolerate at any given time. It takes a lot of time and even then I am not sure we will really understand these exquisite and wonderful greys. When they say they are only one generation out of the wild, it is hard to conceive. We are still learning every day.

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You are getting on very well with Paco but it obviously has to be on her terms! Swings and roundabouts. Perhaps in America its Swings and carousels.

It is still very early days and Paco has happily joined your flock but maybe she hasn't decided who should be her bestest friend yet.


Steve n Misty

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lotta great ideas! the perch is what I use when Marco is up high but then easily transfer her to my hand but you might try all these ideas. its great to hear that Paco is coming to you that is encouragement. once you figure out all their quirks and they get used to you hopefully there will be less bites. I think Ive only had maybe 2 with Marco and both times were in FEAR, Ive not experienced the poker face and head down yet, but she'll just be hitting the terrible 2's by December where I hear things can and usually do change in them. Oh and your pics were GREAT !!!!!!! :D :D

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