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My African Grey Destroying His Perches


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Bernie is chewing the ends of his Booda perch and within 20 minutes, plop, the end is gone from its fastener, then he goes after the bare plastic piece that attaches to the cage.


Any suggestions for a 'stronger perch" or any ideas how to avoid this?


Thanks in advance.

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Greys chew so therefore they destroy lots of stuff, sometimes its things we don't want them destroying but as long as its things that can be replaced like the perches and/or toys its ok, its all part of having a bird with a beak that can tear up lots of things, keep extras on hand to replace them as they are made into trash.

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You just need something more interesting then the perch to chew on... I know I posted this before, but here is the vid again.... Suk used to chew on the perch, but no more......the wood blocks are the ticket, he can destroy these inside of a week.now, its like a few days...



Even after the block is destroyed, it seems he is satisfied for a while and leaves the perch alone. :)


MqLPHVwAymKiTVs1RkK2.jpg Watch "Sukei Destroying A Block Of Wood"

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I am happy to see your bird destroy his perch! That means, he is doing what he should do! Now get smart, find perches he can't destroy, and toys he can. Many grey owners, don't have birds that are willing to destroy wood, like my Sophie. She has concrete perches, calcium enrished pershes, etc. She wont touch wood, so she has shredable toys like pinatas, etc. If I give her a wooden toy.... she looks at me like I am crazy. Nancy

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