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Very abused grey---please help!!!


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Hi all, my name is Pepper and I am an extremely abused African Grey Parrot. I am looking for a new home where I can live my life the way I was meant to. In an attempt to convey to you the level of abuse, let me give you some examples:



My day does not start off well. I wake up with the sun around 6:00am. I then start whistling for dad. Often, dad ignores me and does not come right away. Sometime it is not until 7:30am before dad comes to get me out of my cage.


Every other day or so, I get a shower. Dad gets me all wet and then I am patted by an evil towel. I am not sure what type of torture this is supposed to be, but he pats me all over and then he lets me sit and drip.

When dad is shaving, he does not let me play with the shaving cream.

What is with that? He's such an SOB!!!!


After playing with me for a measly hour, dad makes my breakfast. I like to take things out of my bowl and throw them while dad is preparing things, but he doesn't let me do that anymore. Now he makes me WATCH while is getting things ready. I feel like I am going to have a breakdown at these times. I hate his cruelty.


BREAKFAST SUCKS!!! Dad puts all this crap in my bowl. Pellets, Dried fruit, nuts, seeds, and other things. I think he is trying to starve me to death. All I need are peanuts. And French fries. Just fill my bowl with peanuts and French fries and I'll be fine. I've tried to tell him this but he won't listen. He just doesn't care how I feel.


When dad leaves for work he puts me in my huge cage. Or should I say the torture chamber. There are things hanging all over the place. Bells, ropes, plastic things, wood things, all sorts of things. I tried attacking these things and ripping them to shreds, but new ones keep showing up. It'a a never ending uphill battle.


Once a week, dad takes me to work. This is not fun. He puts me in a plastic box and then puts me in the car. I can't see where I am going!! I dig and dig and finally he lets me out so I can see, but it takes him FOREVER!! Just think about it--1/2 hr IS FOREVER!!


At work, there are a whole bunch of evil people. They all try to touch

Me, and play with me. I just bite them all. Except for one guy. I like him.


Dinner time is teasing time. Dad eats his dinner and does not give it all to me. Sometimes, he gives me a piece of his dinner, but I just throw it on the floor to point out my displeasure. There are times I prefer take out, plain and simple but he just shrugs.


Finally, I can't even start to tell you about all the things that I can't do. I can't chew on the paper towels that dad used to clean up my poop. I

Can't chew on dad's mail. I can't chew on dad's notebook computer. I can't chew on the remote control. I can't chew on the telephone cable. Anyway, you get the point. I'm a parrot and simply wanna try the unknown. You think he cares??


So, please, please, If you know of a home that can satisfy my needs, let me know immediately.


Thank you all, for your help and understanding.

Bless you

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Poor poor Pepper! If you can fly to Brighton England I will adopt you. But if you think I am going to let you live on peanuts and chips or tear apart my books and computer leads and keyboard fergeddit!

In fact I suspect you are a spoiled ungrateful brat! Not that I have ever heard a Grey say thanks for anything. Now I come to think of it you are probably better off where you are. Misty is quite brat enough for me!


Steve n Misty

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Oh so sad Pepper! If you ever get out of that torture chamber, fly on by Pepper. You can see what real abuse is, my Mom is home all the time and we are out sitting on boings, looking out windows and eating fresh pea pods all the time! Yuck, bring on the french fries, please!!!!! I'll be watching for you!!!! Ana Grey


(Great fun Dave, thanks)

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Pepper... That truly sucks! You can come to our house. Rom is strict, but I can hide you! I share my toys and cage with other birds, that " I am expected to tolerate", no biting is allowed! Not only that.... I am expected to not steal from the dogs! Well.... I certainly steal from the dogs, and I offer them a bribe. We've got it all worked out! I watch their back, they watch mine.Rom has this thing... proper " etiquette". WHAT does that mean? I can't bite anyone, what she tells me! I LOVE my Rom, but her rules really stink! I haven't been allowed to bite for ten years! I complain to Ryan, my best friend in this family. He tells me " give it up". You are not going to be allowed to bite. Okay... fine! I won;t bite, but I'm not gonna listen to Rom! Sophie

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