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How to start 1 on 1 time?


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So as of tomorrow I've had Paco one week! In that time being, I've learned that she is a VERY curious bird, has always wanted to be out, never hid in her cage, and has craved attention since I brought her home. She has came down off her cage and walked around by herself, and she's not scared of anyone or anything (maybe my son if he's in his walker lol but she's gotten. Somewhat over it) I get home by 3pm and she's out of her cage close untill 9:30pm with the exception if I'm out of het view for awhile ill shut her door. When should I start to really work with her one on one?? For how long? And where? Should I take her off her cage and to another room? I haven't tried any of that yet because I didn't want to scare her. Her cage is in front of the bathroom door, she's obsessed with it. Now when I go In the shower, she comes off her cage and wAlks into the bathroom and sits in front of the shower and stairs at me lol. She's not fond of any touching yet (previous owners could, but I believe they only ever had her step up onto a stick) I made the mistake of believing she wanted me to pick her up... She was on the bathroom floor and I was trying to get her to go to bed, she wouldn't come back to the cage instead she stood there with her head crooked staring up at me. I bent down and put my hand on the floor about a foot in front of her. I go, "wanna step up paco?" She walks over and right as I thought she was going to she tricks me and latchs onto the palm of my hand and sinks her beak so far in lol, she held it for like 3 sec! Then she stepped right onto her stick and into her cage she went.

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Well, she is smart! You offered your hand for a step up and asked wanna step up? She walks over and gives a 3 second slight nip which meant "No Thanks". :)


3 seconds is nothing really. If they truly want to bite and damage, they will latch on and keep clamping harder and harder some times even moving the beak side to side as they do so. One thing when you ask for a step up, if you don't see a talon go up, that normally means no. :)


Speaking of bites, just to illustrate. My grey Dayo is not my love muffin, my wife is his love muffin. Anyway, I haven't received a bite from him in probably a month, so I was long over due. He was laying on his back on the couch next to my wife last night as she was scratching the top of his head. She got a phone call, Dayo stayed like that with his talons up in the air. He looks over at me as if to say, ok you can take over the scratches now. So I give him some for about 30 seconds, then like The Exorcist movie, his eyes turn black, his head spins around and he grabs the middle of my middle finger and clamps down hard and flips his body over. Then I start saying no bite as I left my finger away. He stays clamped down even harder as I lift him clear off the couch, then he starts flying and staying clamped down and I'm still moving my hand up and down as he keeps on flying with it, then THANK GOD he finally let go and flew over to the T-Stand... So then gushing blood, I tightly hold the wound and make my way over to get a paper towel to stop the bleeding. Now thats a BITE. Just for comparison of what you experienced. :P


Anyway as Judy said, avoid the hand contact for now and just let her tootle around and come up to you as she see's fit. :)

Edited by danmcq
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