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Colored pellets?


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Just wondering, is it okay to give your grey colorful pellets (like the Kaytee Exact rainbow) or should I just stick to the brownish/beige pellets with no color? My vet told me that they were more attracted to the colors and would most likely try the Kaytee pellets. Not sure about this, any advice please :)

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The colored pellets may be ok to feed to your birds but I tend to stay away from them myself, I figure why add coloring to an otherwise nutritional product, my grey eats Harrison's pellets and they are brownish nuetral color. I know some will tend to eat certain colors if offered the colored variety.

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I do prefer zupreem for my birds but that is a personal preference. I dont really think it matters if you feed the natural pellets or the colorful pellets. And yes once you introduce the colored pellets some birds will only eat a certain color. So in my case i would give them a bowl of pellets and then switch bowls to the other birds. It always so happened to work out that the one color the one likes the other does not so there never was a waste issue. Might have to get a second bird if you only have one currently,lol

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When my Bailey came to me, the breeder said he would not eat pellets. He ate fresh fruit & veg. I offered Zupreem colored shapes, and Harrisons. He immediately took to the Zupreem and didn't like the Harrisons. As long as he's eating pellets & fresh foods, I'm happy. I'll always offer various pellets, and let him pick what he wants. I have so many other fids that will not touch pellets at all.

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  • 9 months later...

Zupreem? I have just rescued Sako and have had her for about 3 months now and I was wondering about Zupremm all natural pellets.she is 3 and that's what she was brought up on and I have tried all sorts what might be a healthyer pellets but she wont touch them,and I am concerned about how healthy they truly are.

She also was not given any veggies and I am trying to get her to eat some and she wont touch them ether.She seems very stingy on just eating her Zupreem, I have read that some people have no prob feeding there bird Zupreem,just wondering how people feel about this.

Should I not be to concern about trying to get her to eat a different type of pellet and just keep feeding her Zupreem,and I am also trying to put red palm oil in her diet to but anything I put it on she wont touch, I well keep reading and trying different things but any suggestion I well be grateful for.How about almonds she seems to like these a lot,trying to sneak the oil on them.

Just want to say thank you to you all out here for your post, helps me a lot to try to understand how to provide the best environment for Sako

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  furley said:
Zupreem? I have just rescued Sako and have had her for about 3 months now and I was wondering about Zupremm all natural pellets.she is 3 and that's what she was brought up on and I have tried all sorts what might be a healthyer pellets but she wont touch them,and I am concerned about how healthy they truly are.

She also was not given any veggies and I am trying to get her to eat some and she wont touch them ether.She seems very stingy on just eating her Zupreem, I have read that some people have no prob feeding there bird Zupreem,just wondering how people feel about this.

Should I not be to concern about trying to get her to eat a different type of pellet and just keep feeding her Zupreem,and I am also trying to put red palm oil in her diet to but anything I put it on she wont touch, I well keep reading and trying different things but any suggestion I well be grateful for.How about almonds she seems to like these a lot,trying to sneak the oil on them.

Just want to say thank you to you all out here for your post, helps me a lot to try to understand how to provide the best environment for Sako


There's a few ways to give palm oil. This is a method that's often used for birds that refuse it. Palm oil is thick. Get 1 small very clean seasoning bottle ( oregano, paprika etc etc) and put the thick palm oil in. Fill it up if you want. Put it in micro for about 30 seconds and then let it come to room temp in the fridge. When the microing is finished, the oil will become cherry red. It'll be very thin like olive oil. Take a very skinny stick, put it in the oil and drip it all over everything your bird eats.


This is the oil --before and after microwaving.





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Thanks dave,this is what I have done as I read your post on how from before,ecept i do not own a micro wave,But I do drip it on all her food she eats,but after I do she stops eating what she eats she is being very picky, I well just keep trying,maybe I well take some to micro wave as my sister owns one.the oil I have has liquified in the heat here by leaving on counter.it is all natural red from wilderness family's naturals I bought in health food store

Edited by furley
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  • 4 weeks later...

The only pellet I can find around my area is zupreem... I use the brown color and the fruit blend.... My cag seems prefer to eat the colorful pellet (fruitblend) and a lot of waste if I feed the the brown one.. I think due to its sized... So I try to cut them using my dog nail clipper into smaller size and since there no more waste on the pellet....


So my schedule is I offer fresh food in the morning and pellet in the afternoon time....I give the fruit blend twice a week and the other day is the natural color one... Cause I think the mix fruit ingredients inside (although I didn't like the color too) but it smell nice.... My cag love it so much..... I try to change the fresh food variety every other day...

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