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Phoenix turned 6 months today. Whenever he is out (Which is a majority of the day) he HAS to be either on me or getting into everything on my desk. I don't mind it sometimes but there are times I have things to do and since he acts this way I will have to put him in his cage to get anything done. He has two beautiful stands, hanging toys and tons of shred and foot toys. I was wondering if they grow out of this clingy stage. Most of the time I LOVE it and I know I'll be sad if and when he wants nothing to do with me but it can be hard to get things done without him getting into things.

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Kizzy is 11 mos and was very interested in everything I did at 6 months. He is more independent now and enjoys playing on his stands. But he still wants to help with the household chores and in the evening, he'll perch on my shoulder for head rubs. If you have him out all day long, maybe you can start a routine where you put him in his cage for a set time while you get your chores done? Tell him you have to go work and you'll be back? Just a suggestion.

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My CAG Gracie has been independent from the beginning. She never even allowed head rubs. I know all greys are different, so I can't predict how your baby will be. It seems most do become less clingy, but they will remain very concerned about your comings and goings and want to be with you. That is how my CAG is at 2 years old, and it is just the right balance for me. Keep us updated.

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My parrots are all flighted and if they are on my shoulder and I do not want them there, I just shoo them off. They get the idea and go sit on the boings and perches close by where they can still see me. You just have to be persistent more then your grey is. If that does not work then put him back in his cage until you get your chores done. I talk to my gang all the time so that I believe they understand what is going on.

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It is important, though difficult, to show them that they can enjoy independent play. Mine will watch me, and stretch out over the edge of his cage or playgym, as far as he can. But, unless he flies over to me, I say, "you play". Put my hand up (like a cop stopping traffic). And not look at him. This has worked with my other birds. They all know that the hand means, no more, or stay. Bailey is learning. But, that beautiful face just melts my heart, and it is as difficult for me, as it is for him.

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I think in time Phoenix will become more independent as they usually do but remember they are flock animals so they just want to be part of what is going on. I understand that there are times he may have to be caged so you can get some things done especially for his safety so do not feel guilty about that. Provide him with plenty of things to do when caged and he should be fine.

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Yes' date=' he is flighted and will stay that way. I do try to shoo him off but he comes right back. I have a TON of things for him to play with but he wants me. lol I should feel honored.[/quote']


Oh, please don't shoo him off as though he is a bug or something. That is a sign of rejection as I see it. I always welcome them if they fly to me and then walk to a treestand or perch and tell them to step down and praise them as they do. All 3 of my birds know that when they are on my shoulder and I get up to go to the bathroom and want to be alone...I will lean over to the tree stand, tell them "step down I have to go to the bathroom" . They always do, and wait for me to return.

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Sorry, let me explain. It's not so much a shoo as I move out of his way. Right before he is about to take off to fly to me he makes a sound so I move out of his way and he lands on his perch or the top of his cage. If he gets to be too much I just have him step up and I put him on his perch and keep doing that until he gets the hint. I would love to spend every minute with him but as we all do I have things to do that despite what he thinks he can just not be a part of. lol As it is I don't even shower without him sitting on the curtain rod. lol I did get him to fall asleep on my lap the other night. It was really sweet.

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