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Our sweet lil Raven


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We lost our lil sweet Jardine's parrot sometime during the night before the Labor Day weekend started. I typically leave Saturday mornings before our birdy's get up. I came home to find my wife covered in mud crying her eyes out. She had just planted a Bird of Paradise over our little Jardine's resting spot outside of our bedroom window.


She came to us with PDD - we didn't know it at the time. She was in a filthy dog/cat/farm animal rescue. We went to see her on a whim the same day I went to visit my Greycie Grey who was still a baby at the breeders.


I believe some things just happen for a reason and 'Raven' coming to us was one of them. Pretty much the planets had to line up in order for us to have brought her home.

- we emailed the place that had her on a Saturday night, they're only open for business Mo-Fr

- my wife got onto PetFinder and found her. She had never been on PetFinder before and we were not looking for another parrot as we were bringing a Grey home in a couple months. Something about Ravens pic drew us in.

- I was extremely partial to Greys and no other breed was getting in the way of THAT! Much less a breed I'd never heard of - a Jardine's parrot?!?

- 'Raven' responded to me at the rescue and would have nothing do to with anyone else and had been brought back a couple of times already.

- The lady at the rescue just happened to check her email on a Sunday which she hardly ever does.

- They wanted WAY TOO MUCH for a dirty rescue bird.


So we were 10 minutes headed home when the lady the runs the rescue calls and we go back to see 'Raven'. As mentioned she responded to me and the lady was really trying to sell me on giving the birdy a chance. We drove off without her initially...but my wife than asked if we could go back and get her. We did. We paid WAY too much but I don't regret it for a minute.


Raven turned out to be a wonderful bird. She was as sweet as can be with my wife. She didn't much like me which is peculiar because she responded to me at the rescue. But I saw her preference for my wife as a sweet thing. She was a momma's girl. There were so many cute things about her. She had the Jardine's "my way or the highway attitude" which was endearing to me. She really was the sweetest bird I've ever known.


We fought her PDD for 5 months as we found she had it after a couple of months. We spent an insane amount of money on her which I told my wife - the check for her is blank...do whatever you need to do.


We still tear up over her and I've made my wife promise that we will find another Jardine's to help us keep her memory alive. I got real attached to her in the short time we had herbecause she never really had a chance at life. In the last few weeks caring for her became very tedious but she always seemed happy and still loved to be rolled over and preened. I always dreaded the day I was going to have to take her in and bawl in front of the vet and staff - thankfully that never happened.


We are really missing her...









Edited by SterlingSL
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Bless you for giving Raven the best home she could have landed in to spend the rest of her short life feeling loved with the best of care money could by. Also, thank you for sharing this heat touching story with us. Raven will forever leave her mark on many people.

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Thank you for sharing Raven with us. She was a beautiful girl, and I'm glad you and your wife had wonderful times with her. Of course your post broke my heart. I hate death and loss of any kind. But, it does remind me of the fragility yet precious nature of living, and it helps me value the present moments I share with so many people and animals.

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Angels are among us in the most unexpected places. You and your wife were Raven's angels. Your pictures are so sweet and she was charmed to have gotten out of a rescue and into your home and hearts. We lost two to PDD and it was breathtakingly painful. Your time together may have seemed short, but it was her entire lifetime once she met her forever home.

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