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Prospective Grey Owner In Need of Advice


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I need someone's perspective on my situation. I really want to get an african grey. We owned an amazon parrot for a couple years so we know what we are getting ourselves into. I am a 19 year old who has a part time job. We are busy people but someone is always home. There are 8 of us living in the house. We have 3 dogs two outdoor and one indoor. And my grandmother has 7 canaries.


Could we handle an african grey? I know they require a lot of attention and love. My family is willing to provide for it while I am away at work or out wherever. So it will be more of a family bird. I have been researching them for the past few weeks. I am ready for my "baby". I plan on buying one from Chino swap meet. Any advice or warnings on going with that? Would gladly appreciate feedback from people currently with greys. Thanks!

Edited by jgerardo
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Welcome. A "swap meet"?? That doesn't sound like a great place to buy a bird. Do you know anything about the people there? Are the birds breed in a clean, decent place? Are they abundance weaned? Or will you be buying an unweaned baby?? - not a great idea if you have no hand feeding experience.

As for the living conditions a bird could do well there. It all depends on the people and how they handle the bird.

Again, welcome, and I do like that you are doing some research before buying your new companion.

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Hello Jgerardo and welcome to our family.

If you are willing to make the committment to providing what is necessary to make an african grey healthy and happy then go for it. I am glad to hear you are doing your research before you plunge in headfirst, they do require a lot of our time every day as they are flock creatures so want to be a part of what is going on in the household, they need some time every day spent out of their cage and provided with toys and things to keep them occupied when they are caged to keep them from becoming bored.

Not sure what you mean about getting one from a "Chino swap meet", maybe if you can explain that we might understand what that is.

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Welcome. A "swap meet"?? That doesn't sound like a great place to buy a bird. Do you know anything about the people there? Are the birds breed in a clean, decent place? Are they abundance weaned? Or will you be buying an unweaned baby?? - not a great idea if you have no hand feeding experience.

As for the living conditions a bird could do well there. It all depends on the people and how they handle the bird.

Again, welcome, and I do like that you are doing some research before buying your new companion.


I've heard about those markets before although I forgot where they're located. It's been years.

Basically, they're arts and craft centers, food booths, flea markets, they sell food from neighboring farms and some livestock. They also trade used goods amongst each other. As far as exotic animals(parrots), I really don't remember anything about that. Just thought I'd give you an idea since you were curious. Maybe you and I can make a trip and check it out. Just remember that I'm married.

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I've lived in California and had first hand experience at those 'swap meets'. I would love to cage some of the vendors. Don't support those bastards - find a reputable breeder.



I'm really glad you posted that link although now I'm gonna have problems doing what I gotta do throughout the day. You say *cage the vendors*. I've got some more choice things for the vendors but this is a family oriented board. It's been years that I heard about the mart and I don't live anywhere near Cal.

To the OP, simply stay away if you don't wanna cry.

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Our Amazon ended tragically. His name was Tito. We found him as a chick, he had a deformed leg and could not grab on to trees hence is how he fell into our lives. But we gave him baby formula and weaned him.We had him for 4 years. He grew very attached to my grandfather so his cage was in our garage. One day he was on his perch and he saw my grandpa in his truck. So he got down from the cage and walked over to him. My grandpa was backing up the truck and did not see him. That was the end of our beloved bird. We will definitely exert more caution from now on if we do end up buying a grey. Its been about six years now since his passing, but we are ready for another feathered companion into our lives.

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As Dave007 said it is an outdoor mall/flea market. They sell clothes, food, and a lot of animals. Especially during the spring, there are so many types of birds being sold there. I have only seen a couple african greys in the past. They are sold as babies and adults. I haven't been there in a long time but I will let you guys know what I see there.

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Hi and welcome. Like others have said, it's great you are doing your research now. Also, I agree that a swap meet is likely a poor choice for finding your lifelong companion. Call an avian vet in your area or get involved with a local bird club. They will surely have information on reputable breeders. My only concern has to do with the idea of the "family bird" and ultimately your plans with your grey in the future. You are 19 and will be with your family a few more years, and then I assume you will move out and take your grey with you. Greys do tend to bond most strongly with one person, and they make the choice for reasons of their own no matter what the people involved do. What will you decide to do if your new grey bonds with a family member other than yourself? Would you leave the bird with its chosen "best friend" or take it with you? Are all your family members equally on board with the care of this new bird? I think things can work out, but try to consider how your bird will be affected by change when you are ready for independence and life on your own.

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