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Who has the oldest grey here?


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These kinds of threads bring life into perspective, what is important, what is not so important. Everyday any of God's creations take a breath is a blessing. Live is a gift, enjoy it, and don't waste a minute.


We are lucky people to have found such intelligent, passionate and loving friends with our greys and other animal friends.


They are the best of us.

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Well, you knew you he was at least 5o + years old. Thats the oldest Ive heard so far. What a peaceful way to go, yet sad. That mental image brought a tear to my eyes as well.


Me too. But I always say (and I may come across as being a mean person!) that I don't feel that much when a person goes, unless they were really really close to me, but on the other end of the scale I cannot begin to describe how I feel when I lose a fid. I've had many birds throughout my life and when the inevitable happened, it really hit me hard!

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