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LOL... no it won't! That is one of the things I actually took a bite of in front of him to try to tempt him (I'm not a pumpkin fan). He still acted like the creature from the black lagoon was sitting in this cage. I bought a mini pumpkin and cut the top off, tried that, no go. I cut it in half so it wouldn't look so intimidating, no go. Cut it in quarters, no go. Hung a piece on his skewer, no go. I don't know if it was the color or what, but he wouldn't come anywhere near it in his cage. On second thought, not the color since he loves sweet potato. Who knows!

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They are so funny when they decide something is pure evil. I collected a bunch of very cool driftwood to use as perches and Dayo would have no part of it. So now I use it to keep her away from stuff I don't want her to eat or land on. I lay a large piece of driftwood across my desk to keep her from eating the keyboard and everything else on the desk. When my mom comes over she holds a piece in her lap to keep Dayo away from her... The kitchen counter next to the stove... the list goes on. It works like a charm :)

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I found that it helps to put my left hand on the feared object and then show her the object (assuming she's sitting on my right hand) with my hand on the object it is less scary - That is how I showed her the pumpkin and helped her to overcome her fear of a scary orange shower perch I bought her.

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