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Sukei Update


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Well, I have been trying to get Sukei to step up for about 4 months. I had one success early on after a shower for about 30 seconds.....an den........... nothing.


I waited and tried and waited and tried.......nothing worked.


He did not seem nervous at the attempts, no shaking, no biting so we tried a different tactic.


I got the old wood perch from the old cage, got him to step up on that (I was surprised) then he walked over and got on my hand, climbed on to my arm, beaked my arm (Not bite) climbed up sat on my shoulder, beaked my ear lobe and flew back to his cage LOL.


Guess Ill give him a break for a day and let that settle in a bit...:)

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Steady patience is the name of the game. Remember to always respect Sukei's comfort level. Remember that they are all individuals and as different as me and you. Each progress at their own rhythm AND timeframe.

Everything by Susan Friedman and Barbara H is awesome.








I do, that's why i waited till he looked comfortable and not nervous :) That took 2 months to get that far. :)

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That's great! Lots of praise whenever he steps up. When you ask him to step up, where do you put your finger in regards to his body?


Tried different spots just above the Talons, behind the Talons, front of the Talons, lower tummy....

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WOW! Fantastic!!!


Yea I was surprised....I was talking to him doing the Argh Matie we be pirates! and I held out my hand and he scampered right up my arm and on to the shoulder......I just stood there, and he nudged me in the ear like GO!, and I walked around and stopped, and he nudged me again untill I would go LOL.

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That's so cool! What a milestone. Doesn't it all seem worth the wait now? :)


It really has not been that much of a wait , only 4 months and some change, and from what Ive read of wild caught greys it is warp speed. Even some of the domestic hatched have more problems then I have.


I spend three or 4 hours a day with him, and he is out of his cage all the time except for bedtime, maybe that helped a little bit, but I think most of it is him.


You kind of inspired me to try a few different tactics when I saw yours sitting on top of your knee eating popsicles LOL.


This entire board is full of helpful, healthy constructive ideas and encouragement.


Want to say thanks to everyone!

Edited by KevinD
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Nice! I am so happy for you. Thanks for sharing the photo. The only thing missing is you need an eye patch... Arrrrr. :)


Its funny you say that.....because at the moment that picture was snapped I was thinking.... What if he gets angry for some reason and took my eye out LOL, then I would need the patch! LOL

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