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Update on Bailey


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Well, I've had Bailey for a week now. He/she is such a joy! The woman who raised him did a wonderful job. He eats everything, almost. He eats pellets, right now Harrison's & Zupreem. He eats all kinds of fresh vegetables & fruits. Seems to not like blueberries. I cook all kinds of mashes and porridge type mixtures for all my birds (that'll eat them). He loves every one of them. Took his first shower, and loved it. Is good by himself at times. And just a cuddle bug at others. Let's me touch him all over. Good for when at vets, and I ordered an Aviator Harness. Since he is okay with me touching him, lifting his wings, etc, I figure now is the time it'll be easier to get him used to it. I realize we are in a honeymoon period, and anticipate a future "boundaries test". But, I think he'll be just great! I can't wait 'til he's out of quarantine. And can go into the livingroom with the other fids. One photo shows his cuddle buddy, so he doesn't miss his clutchmates so much. He sleeps with his head tucked under the bears arm. I'd love to get a pic of that, but when he hears me approach, he puts his head up.




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I love Bailey's pictures, thanks so much for showing us. The bear to snuggle is just adorable. Glad your breeder was so diligent and thoughtful. What a beautiful start in life for Bailey. Great idea for starting the harness now too. Bailey has a charmed life ahead with you.

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Bailey is just going with the flow and so glad to hear it is going great for you two, yes it may still be the honeymoon phase and you will likely find a few kinks in the near future but it sounds like to me that you two are gonna make a great pair of buddies.

Love the pictures but if you could get one of him sleeping with his bear and head tucked in under the arm that would be precious.

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