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New here, but need advice


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Hi everyone,


My baby grey is 12 weeks old, on two feedings a day and he's been flying now for 2 weeks. In the past two days, he's been refusing to eat his morning and evening formula, he only takes about 2-3 spoon fulls. Just before his feeding times, he begs for food but when I attempt to feed him he flies away. I've been offering a variety of fruit and veggies and he eats a little only when I put it in front of him. He also hasn't been nibbling at his pellets (which he was doing before)...Is this all part of the weaning process? I don't want him to starve.


Thanks in advance

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My take on this, is it sounds like he is weaning his self quickly. Besides the pellets, I would suggest a seed mix and some nuts like shelled, roasted and unsalted peanuts, almonds, pistachios, walnuts etc. Pellets are one of the most unnatural and least likely thing a baby grey just starting to wean is going to eat. There is nothing wrong at all with offering them of course. If you wish to get him to eat some, please soak them with a little apple, grape, pomegranate or other true juices to make them a little more tasty and desirable. Also, dont forget to make up a 7 or 15 bean mix and add some oats etc. and freeze after cooking by placing portions in a snack or sandwich bag. Your grey will enjoy them as well as a healthy food source. :)


Oh and welcome by the way, it's GreYt having you here! :)

Edited by danmcq
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Hi Sarah. Welcome to GF. There aren't too many of us who know much about hand feeding & weaning. Dave007 would probably be able to give you some helpful info, though. Rather than wait for someone who can help to happen to read your post, you might PM him. To do that you can sign in, click on his member name on the right of any of his posts & click where it says "Private Message" in the drop down box.


It would also be a good idea if you contacted the breeder &/or your vet.


Sorry I can't be more help. But please let us know how it goes & maybe post some more about you & your baby in the Welcome & Introduction room whenever you get a chance.

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There aren't too many of us who know much about hand feeding & weaning. Dave007 would probably be able to give you some helpful info, though. Rather than wait for someone who can help to happen to read your post, you might PM him.


Whoops, sorry Dan! I must have been writing my post at the same time & you beat me. :o

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having only one bird experience, I am no expert! LOL But, if you can't get hold of your Vet, I suggest you stop the morning feeding/or give just a spoonful. Then feed as much as he wants a night. That way you can be sure he goes to bed with a full tummy, while leaving him to eating other things during the day. If he still doesn't eat either well - make sure you get the VET!!

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Thank you all so much! Good news is that last night he did take his evening feeding of formula and went to bed with a full tummy. This morning he was also eating his veggies. Was just worried about him getting too used to the seed mix and not even trying the pellets. Just one more question, is it ok to let him try a bit of human baby food (stage 1)? If it is ok, should I warm it and give it to him just like that or mix it with his formula?

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You can give him baby food. I make a "birdie bread" by mixing cornbread mix with baby food. That's a good way to get picky eaters to eat vegetables without knowing it. Once he accepts pellets, give him a bowl of pellets & a bowl of seed mix. My birds all get a bowl of pellets, a bowl of seed mix, and a bowl of fresh fruits & vegetables every day. Just a spoonful or two of seeds & pellets in each bowl. and, of course, a bowl of fresh water, changed several times a day.

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Hi Sarah,


I am new too, and I have a CAG recently and he is 13 weeks old, I guess as the seller never know how old is he too. You shouldn't be worry too much as they will eat when they are hungry unless they are sick. I assume your bird is healthy. You shouldn't force him to eat anything when he refused. Just leave the food - pellets, seeds, vege or fruits on the place he can be seen, and he will walk / fly to it when he wants to eat. Too worry will only make u stress up instead of the bird. My Angel was half weaned when I brought him home. He was in formula for 1-2 times a day, but I actually weaned him as soon as I brought him home. He is eating SOOOO much. At times, I worry also as he never pick up food like vege or fruits. But when I walk away, off and on he will investigate what he has on the bowl. Soon he will eat whatever is offer. It's part of growing stage.

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