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Hello, we're Bill & Bailey

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Hi, my name's Bill, and my Timneh Grey is Bailey. I have been around birds for most of my life. My Grandparents had a Congo from before I was born, who I inherited when my Grandfather died. That bird lived with me for about 9 years, and was over 50 years old when he died. That was about 10 years ago. Though I had many birds, before & since, I could not bring myself to get another Grey. But, I decided it was time. Being 61 years old, and having worked in Animal Welfare & Rescue, I tried to adopt an older bird. After several failed attempts, I opted for a baby. That's my beautiful Bailey. I belong to several other bird forums, and have visited this site many times. I'm happy to be here, to learn from others, and share my knowledge and experience.

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Hello Bill and welcome to our family.

So glad to hear you could finally open your heart for another grey, you know how awesome they are as companions and I am surprised you waited as long as you did.

Please do read thru as many of the threads as you can but you probably already know most everything since you have shared your life with one before but I find that the more I learn the more I find I don't know.

I look forward to seeing some pictures of Bailey when you get the chance to share some.

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Thank you all for the welcome. Aerial, you think that Bailey is a feminine name? :confused: I knew a guy in college named Bailey. I do not know if Bailey is male or female yet. Our first vet visit is in two weeks. I'll have him/her DNA'd and microchipped. It took me a long time to get another Grey because I knew Jessye (my grandfathers Grey) for my whole life, and kept feeling uncomfortable about replacing him. Plus, I wanted an older rescue, and have had so many other birds. But, since retiring from bird rescue, my home is now less crowded, and I have the time to devote to such an intelligent & sensitive creature. I feel that Bailey was meant to come into my life at this time. And could not be happier! :D

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awww that is great... :D


thats funny about knowing a male named Bailey .. I spose a name is just a name is just a name :D Let us know when you get the DNA back :D I had named Marco's name picked out prior to uhm DNAing "Her" :rolleyes: LMAO ... I spose if they can name a boy Sue... I can name a girl Marco ...<giggles>

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Welcome to the forum Bill and Bailey. I've loved and lost and rediscovered the love of all things grey with a little Timneh who captured my heart too. When you are ready, you're ready. So glad you wanted to come share with us. I love love love your signature, I feel the same way.

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