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Echo will not shut up!!!!!


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OMgoodness. Echo, (12 week orange wing) will not stop! He is making baby cheepy noises that get louder and louder if you ignore him, and he NEVER stops. He is still on two feedings a day with formula and all of his health issues have been resolved. As of this week, his formula amount was reduced in order to encourage him to eat more pellets. He is being weighed daily to watch for weight loss but is doing well and has He has been eating and drinking water (Finally!) on his own.

I am not entirely convinced his yelling has much to do with being hungry, because he even does it after he is fed. Is this typical of the species or have I just acquired a high need baby?



Edited by Cinnyminis
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I believe all baby parrots are needy, and they soon will grow out of it as they become independent. That`s when you will miss that special time.

My amazon Cricket is a rehome and she dose use her vocalizing to get our attention and when she wants something.

As they grow older they will always to some degree be needy and that`s what makes having them a joy.

P.S. loved the video !

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Thank you Ray. I was having a frustrating moment yesterday because there was so much more going on in addition to the baby zon who will not be quiet. It gets frustrating!! He is at it again this afternoon. I am looking forward to him being a bit older. I guess I am used to my 11 mo CAG who is pretty self sufficient and I forgot what it means to have a baby in the house!


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Nancy- 8 months?! Good gosh! I am feeling like this will be a much longer process that I originally thought. He is still on two feedings a day and shows no sign of stopping. It's expensive too! He is definitely a high maintenance personality, and I really hope that slows a bit as he figures out who he is and grows more mature.


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Be patient with your amazon. They can be the bird that truly rules in your home. Teaching other birds to appreciate fresh fruits and veggies.ALL my birds trusted Kiki's decision with fresh fruits and veggies, they wouldn't try it, until she gave approval. Now it has been over a month since she escaped, none of my birds will eat anything outside of pellet diet. A serious step backward. Nancy

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Nancy- you mean to tell me that I can substitute oatmeal, egg, or yogurt for the formula? He is still taking 20-30 cc's of formula 2x a day. I have managed to get him to stop screeching all the time though. I increased his formula by about 5 cc's a feeding and he is much fuller and satisfied. I actually had his rapt attention today when I was blasting music and singing right to him. He was so excited he couldn't move! Tonight he ate steamed carrots and loved it.


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