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Baby grey starting to bite!


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Hello all,


So Petrie and I have been together almost a month now and she is between 10 and 11 weeks old. Recently, she has been fluffing her feathers and diving at my dad or sister whenever they go near her cage. I figured this is a little normal bc I am her primary caregiver and my mom is her second, and she does not do this to us. But now, Petrie has started to bite, and me too also. And it's not her seeing/feeling with her beak bc usually when she does that it's ignorable and I let her do it, but now I'm seeing the marks! Lol. It's only been a couple times but I'm just wondering why she's doing it and how I should handle it. I know they go through a "nippy" phase, is this when it starts? I try my best not to react or pull my hand away, but it's hard when it's not expected! She doesn't give me any warning signs, it's really sudden. Is she just testing her limits? Do I tell her "no" or just ignore it? Any advice would be helpful!


Thanks, everyone!

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She is testing her limits and when she does it say "no bite" and turn your back on her and walk away for a few moments, she will get the idea that she will be ignored when she does that and she should eventually stop it, as she gets a little older you will be able to tell by her body language if she might be in a mood to bite.

Please read thru this thread as it gives more info on being able to read their body language: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?109373-Body-language-most-frequently-seen

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NEVER too young!First, open the cage, play some games in front of bird cage with family!Let baby watch family interacting. OR... read together as a family. Let baby watch and observe the family interaction. Do this nightly without any expectation on baby's part. You may witness baby eventually sitting on door. It takes time and patience, always at their rate.You will know when the time is right to offer " stepup". If you are afraid, don't do it until you feel comfortable. They sense your fear.

Sophie adopted at age two, climbed down within 48 hours. Too curious! She stepped up to all of us, only because it was the next persons turn to " pop the bubble". We were playing the game trouble.We ALWAYS practiced stepup or any other training away from her cage. That is her domain, and even today, I NEVER put my fingers in anyone's cage. Nancy

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