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best seed mix?


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I presently use the premium blend from www.drsfostersmith.com, it comes in formulations for different sized birds but I think that most well known brand names of seed mix is good quality, just look at the ingredients lists.

Josey eats Harrison's High Potency pellets, that's the only one she has been offered since I have had her and she eats it readily.

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Harrisons is a GREAT diet. I buy all my food from my birdstore. I also provide them with veggies and fruit ingredients from birdstore. ( freeze dried). I provide them with fresh fruits and veggies daily, as well as protein, whether it be an egg, cheese or yogurt. They LOVE all I give to them. Not to say, I didn't suffer with all fresh fruits and veggies being thrown at the walls! I did! In my face as well. Always stick to it. Pasta ( no sauce), mac and cheese, when my senior conure was losing weight and needed to be fattened up. Diet takes time... you have to be consistent to offer it to them, and even if they throw it out, introduce again. Nancy

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So far he's eaten carrots, green beans, peas, banana and navy beans and he loves it all so I don't think I'm dealing with a picky eater! The previous owners had him on a seed mix only, but I ordered him some Harrison's pellets to try and it is due to be here tomorrow. I plan on giving him the pellets readily available at all times, a mixture of veggies twice a day and I'm not sure if I should keep a seed mix in there with him too or not if he does take to the pellets, would he need seeds and pellets and the veggies?

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I try to give Timber as much variety as possible. He gets pellets, seed, spouted seed, and vegetables (some cooked, some not) every day. He also gets whatever we are eating that he can have, as well as pine nuts, almonds, and a peanut or cashew at bedtime. I remember reading somewhere, sometime on the forum to give 1/4 cup of seed a day.

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Jake was eating Higgins Safflower Gold but the last time I went to buy a bag they only had 1 left and it had been opened. I picked up a bag of Sunscription Vita-Prima Large Hookbill Safflower Formula and he just loves it. I tried going back to the Higgins once the new shipment came in and he won't touch it. Its a good thing that my Grandbirdie will eat anything. I give everything Jake refuses to her. My son hasn't bought food in a year.


Edited to add the link to the type of food that Jake likes. http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=18015

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I plan on giving him the pellets readily available at all times, a mixture of

veggies twice a day and I'm not sure if I should keep a seed mix in there with

him too or not if he does take to the pellets, would he need seeds and pellets

and the veggies?

Yes keep a seed mix in the cage and the pellets, he should have access to these two all the time and then you can offer the vegetables and other foods, they snack all day and should have food available even thru the night.

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Thanks for the link Wingy. I buy stuff from Dr. F & S all the time and I hadn't seen they had a safflower based seed mix. I'll give this one a try next!


It is now a stock item at my Petco. I am hoping that the citrus scent/flavor that Jake likes in the seed mix will get him try try some of the Hagen Tropican pellets I ordered.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been using ABBA 1300 for Cosmo's seed mix for years now, I purchase it from this website ( https://www.birdsupplynh.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=1519&osCsid=7f0752c718c154c5f3aa32c4bfa4a1d3 ). If any of the more experienced Grey owners out there, after looking at the contents, think that it's not a good quality seed mix, please by all means, let me know because I don't think it's a very well known product. One of my friends has been feeding his 10 year old Grey this for quite a while, and he swears by it, and Cosmo loves it. I've recently got Cosmo to take to RoudyBush Adult Maintenance Diet, the small pellets, so I've been mixing the RoudyBush into the ABBA 1300. I also add, in a separate bowl once per week something called "Beak Smackin' Breakfast" as a special treat. I get 1 pound a month from an online company called Avian Naturals ( http://www.aviannaturals.com/index.html ). All of their food is organic and human-grade and you steep it in hot water as to warm and expand the ingredients. One Tablespoon full of the mix to 2-3 Tablespoons of boiling water until it is almost completely absorbed, is recommended for one parrot. It's expensive, however a little goes a long way.

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I found a post where people posted their views on the best pellet mix, what does everyone think is the best seed mix that can be bought online or in store? Also what does anyone think of these varieties? Look any good or not? http://www.aviannaturals.com/parrotfood_af.html


Avian Naturals is where I get something called "Beak Smackin' Breakfast". All of Avian Naturals food mixes are human-grade organic. (I've posted what seed mix I include as well as the mix from Avian Naturals in my CAG's diet, that's just a few posts up) If you look down towards the bottom of the Avian Naturals introduction page (1st web page) you'll find a thank you in a link from Irene Pepperburg, form Pepperburg labs. She and her team of avian research scientists were the pioneers of African Grey studies of behavior and intelligence. I'm sure you've heard of "Alex the African Grey", probably one of the most famous Congo Greys ever.

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About a month ago, I switched Cosmo's main daily diet to a mix of Drs. Foster and Smith's Premium Blends parrot food and RoudyBush (continuing with the veggies, fruits and other treat foods I've mentioned in my other posts in this thread), as per all that I've read on this site. Cosmo is finicky when it comes to pellet food, however he's taken to RoudyBush and seems to like it as well as the DF&S Premium Blend. Thanks all!



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