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3 month old scratching bottom of cage


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My Ruby turned 3 months old today. I've noticed that since I moved her to her cage, she constantly scratches the bottom of the cage when she sees the lights on in the living room or when she hears the key in the door. She's constantly out when I'm home but the tines that I have to go to school or work, I only take her out momentarily to feed her. I speak to her softly and assure her that I'll let her out the moment I get home but as soon as I put her back in her cage, she hurries to the bottom of the cage and scratches.


When I open the door to her cage, she stops and runs to the door and gets on my hand. I'm not sure what to think of this. I don't know if she has separation anxiety or if she has associated the scratching at the bottom of her cage with me letting her out. I mostly ignore the behavior and when I leave the room, she stops and try to only let her out once she has stopped the scratching.


I'm I doing something wrong? The scratching goes on for about 5 mins and she eventually gives up and goes back to playing with her toys. What should I do?

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I freaked out when Felix did this at 3 months old. I thought there was something seriously wrong with him. He is now 15 months old and still does it when he is in his cage and wants out. And it's almost always when we are trying to eat and he won't stay off of our plates:)

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It`s not just a baby thing. Corky my CAG will be 13 in December and she dose it in and out of her cage any time and or when ever she wants.

I think it`s a house cleaning thing with them. She will shred paper and than take her foot spread it all over the place.

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