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good morning to all on the forum

can someone help with 2 strange behaviours patterns from my African grey:

1. she's started to squawk extremely loudly the last 4 days and I don't know what to make of it? why would she resort to this behaviour pattern suddenly?

2. why does she shake her head vigorously? its almost as if she is trying to loosen something inside her nasal passages?


anyone with some advice?

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Couple of questions first, how old is she and how long have you had her? Has anything changed in your household recently? Is it at certain times of the day that she does this? Give us a little more information and maybe some of us can give you an answer.


The head shaking is just something they do, my Josey does the same thing and it may be they are trying to dislodge something in the cere, maybe a tiny downy feather perhaps.

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thanks for the reply. she's 6 months old and has been with us for 3 weeks. the house is an early rising house and I've tried to keep the same format each morning so as not to unsettle her. she's gets woken up with a good morning, covers removed from her cage, cage opened up, i make the usual coffee and tea for the household and then freshen her food, fresh water etc.

the same pattern has been followed each morning except for last Sunday when I slept in.

i'm confused with her behavior because i cannot see any changes to the morning pattern. But the last 4 days she's been "screaming" after i open her up in the morning, then after about 1 hour she settles down and she's fine. hope this helps explain her environment.

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Ok first off take her to the vet for her well bird check up. And ask about the head.

As for the noise thats what parrots do. Parrots like to greet the day. Some get really loud and happy about it. She is just now getting comfortable in her new home and is happy that is why the noise.

She may start doing it in the evening too. The only suggestion is ear plugs and try to keep the house quite and maybe she well start not being so loud in time.

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I agree with Tari...birds make noise. Some like to scream in the morning, some at night, and some like to do both. If your grey is only screaming in the morning then it seems that it's just his way of starting the day. There isn't anything you can do about this behavior and is one of those things that comes along with owning a parrot.

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Yes birds do make noise but this one just started this new behavior and it could be that she has settled in and is more vocal, but Josey does not scream like that, now my sun conure does. Most greys are known for being quieter than other parrots but maybe something has happened that upset her that you don't know about.


I guess you will just have to get used to it, don't react to it, just ignore it so as not to reinforce it any further.

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Could be just your Greys behaviour as others have pointed out. Also a wellness check at the vet would be good if you haven't done so already.


Dayo is quite, except when we uncover him or walk into the room after being gone a while. Then he does his best to get our full attention with peeps, Wolf Whistles etc. :-) until we come it and get him.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/10/24 15:05

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Mine does not scream at the usual times. He will do this loud sharp noise when he feels like it...mostly when he's chatty...but it seems he just likes to do it just to do it. Having the grey 3 weeks and now it's just starting to do it sounds to me to be a normal timeline for your grey to have bonded with the family and is now screaming for everyone in the morning as a role call. Thats what they do in nature and they will do it in the home with a human flock too.

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thanks for the response - and I've kept my response to a minimum because i read up about re-acting to bad behaviour, so i'm only talking to her when she's "behaving" herself. i was just so concerned that she was hurting or something.

but its only in the morning so its become her way of saying hello to the world..

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My amazon was sick this past summer. She started screaming and each time I came near her or one of the other birds did, she got louder. This was a sign of her not feeling well. I thought she had broken something as it was the kind of scream. Apparently when birds are sick it is their way of scaring off predators so the vet told me.

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Greys tend to be more vocal at dawn and dusk. I would think that once yours begins to talk the noises will be replaced with words.


What you need to do is pretend you can't hear the noises you don't want from your grey, when it is quiet again talk to it but don't make any comments on the sqwalk. I made this mistake so now in order to say "shhhsss be quiet" or "what you don't squell, what happens if you squell you go in the cage" Tui needs to actually squell (sp?)


I did notice that she started more often after hearing kids playing and kids being kids let out loud cries and high pitched noises so this is now her response when she see's or hears a child. Also it could be the beginnings of mircowave or appliance sounds that have a high pitched tone

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  • 1 year later...

Well most people are not going to agree with mebut after having my grey for about 6 months he started screaming. Nothing changed with him or his surrounding. Ithink some of them just like to scream. Not all greys are quiet birds. Its just the way they are. i can sympathize with you on this though. My bird even screams when he is out on his playstand. So sometimes there is just no plesing them. Saddly i have to rehome him due to this screaming because my ears cant take it. I wish you luck with your grey. I have realized with mine that its more of a squak than a scream if there is even a difference in the two. he does not do this bcause he is unhappy. in fact just the opposite. Once he is rehomed which we are in that process we are going to stick to dogs. To me, dogs are MUCH MUCH easier to please.Maybe its because i have had inside dogs all my life and they are my children. We have a saint bernard that is our baby. he sleeps with us at night and is at my side whenever I am home.

Anyways, I went off onto a completly different subject, sorry about that. Your grey maybe just loud like rico. Hope your ears are ready for it.:)

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