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I hope this week flys by fast!!


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I feel like ive been waiting forever, and Im starting to get antsy, Sept 6 is the day I get to pick up my new and also first CAG :eek:, I found her on Craigslist about 2 weeks ago, Met her for the first time 1 week ago, and now have to wait it out.. I just get so excited when i think about it that I get a little upset that i have to wait. Can you blame me!!? lol Well thats the end of the rant, Wish i had more then 1 picture to look at of her! And Sadley most people have a longer wait then i have...

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Can't blame you at all for getting anxious. I think most of us remember that feeling like your going to explode very well. I found several shots of Bacardi 101 on the rocks was a good band aid that last week. Though I did hear the bald faced lie I showed up around 2am at the breeders with a gun trying to get Dayo... I don't remember it..... just kidding. :P

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What is the story with your new baby? Age? History? I started researching greys a year before I got my CAG. Then when I chose her, I waited another 4 months to bring her home. I visited her at the breeders almost every day. But when they come home.,...oh my....then the "fun" begins. There is just nothing like charting a course with a new grey, They are so complex. I made mistakes...she forgave me. She was difficult...I forgave her.... Now she is two years old and the most precious thing with two wings. I know you will love the journey---but it is a journey! I have learned soooo much. Every day is a different challenge,. But oh so worth it!

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What is the story with your new baby? Age? History? I started researching greys a year before I got my CAG. Then when I chose her, I waited another 4 months to bring her home. I visited her at the breeders almost every day. But when they come home.,...oh my....then the "fun" begins. There is just nothing like charting a course with a new grey, They are so complex. I made mistakes...she forgave me. She was difficult...I forgave her.... Now she is two years old and the most precious thing with two wings. I know you will love the journey---but it is a journey! I have learned soooo much. Every day is a different challenge,. But oh so worth it!



Well I found her on craigslist, she is 10 years old, she came from a very good reputable breeder that we know, the current owners have had her since she was a baby and hand fed fer.. The reason for giving her up is the husband feels like its not getting enough attention, its his wifes bird which still even today she doesnt want to let her go, when I went and met her 2 weeks ago, she had to step outside because she started getting teary eyed. The husband has his own company which he works alot, the wife is a dog trainer, so the majority of her time is spent on her 3 dogs. Its still loved and well cared for, just no time is being spent with her. The husband hates the noise, and complains he cant watch TV lol. So its going to be sad when Ii brig her home to my house because I know shes going to be upset.. I took in my uncles macaw a few years ago, and Koko (the b&G) was so very very upset for quite some time before giving us a chance.. The past owners of the CAG Paco, had told me a few years back the bird flew outside and ecscaped!! It took a couple days to get her back, so that scares the sh*t outta me... she lived in a city neighborhood with alot of houses and buildings... I on the other hand am surronded my miles of forests! So that would be so hard to find her. Other then thatim just looking forward to starting my bond with her!!

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SHES HOME SHES HOME!!! Wasnt on yesterday due to my excitement, and I went out for a few hours last night! Will be adding more pictures today! But! a Recap of yesterday :) Went and picked her up, was so sad the current owners (husband,wife & kids) The wife had to leave and couldnt be there when Paco left because she was a wreck for getting rido f her :( They sent me home with her cage, travel cage and all her favorite things. She sat in the front seat with me on the way home, I didnt put her cover on because she just wanted to watch everything.. Quiet as a mouse all the way home.. I get home and start bringing in all the pieces of her cage to put together. In the box was an envelope with all of her vet records, I opened it up to look at them, to sadley find a long letter typed up from the wife... It went like this *warning tear jerker*


"I tried to write all the things Paco says & loves to eat but I cant. It's very hard for me to think about all the wonderful things about herand not be torn about rehoming her. I love her very much and I feel horrible that I cant give her the time and attention she needs. Please be kind to her and go slow the first few weeks...she has only known us and our way of doing things for 10 years. It will take some time for her to realize that you are family now and not to be afraid. Her birthday is Wednesday (9-11-03), please tell her I said Happy Hatch day. She loves scrambled eggs, oatmeal & waffels (no syrup). She likes fruit more then veggies, but she gets veggies anyway. She loves juice, 100% juice any flavor. She loves to shred paper and she will search for food if you hide it. She prefers to be misted instead of the shower (but maybe she'll grow to like it when she sees koko do it). If it doesnt work out with you for any reason, I will take her back..I cant imagine what it would feel like to be shuffled from home to home. Thank you for giving her a good home"


So after I was happy/sad to read that, and felt terrible for this woman, but I know I will be a great home...


So I set up her cage, (the owners have a stick they would use to have her step up, I put it in the travel cage she stepped up immediately and I placed her in the cage, Where she quickely addapted to her not to new surroundings.. She checked everything out, hanging upside whistling and saying hello.


She lets me reach in and move things around and will take any treat from my hand.. Shed make noise here and there, but this morning!!! She broke out of her shell even more (JUST AS I WAS TYPING THIS SHE LET OUT A BELCH!! hahahaha) First time I heard that!!


This morning Shes made about 20 different kinds of whistles, beeps, and clucks. Including a truck backing up and a microwave. Her vocabulary that Ive heard so far included, Hello, hello paco, lets go outside, ready, good boy, stop yelling, whooooop, and added in some kissing smooches :)


Its safe to say Im in love :D, Even more so because our Macaw (koko) has just always had it out for me for some reason, always coming at me and bluffing and all these mad gestures. Yet my fiance can go over to her and shell be daddys little angel to him..lol Now When I walk over to Pacos cage she comes onto the side of the cage where I am and gives me this deep stare, that I feel the beginning of our bond in ! <3333


I feel bad that shes locked up in her cage at the moment, Its killing me! Although I can interact with her through the cage, Id just like to be able to physically do that as well... But untill she gets a little more settled I dont want to bring her out..


So I made her scrambled eggs this morning, with egg shell, purple green and yellow peppers, carrots, ham and sausage sprinkled with some Parm cheese. She picked at it, but didnt seem to intrested I think its still from all the new surroundings!


Will update with pictures today :)

Edited by KatieG17
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How wonderful you have Paco now. It's a blessing to get all the information you did from his previous mom. I keep a "Book" I have been writing over the years on dayo with all his documents and photos the new owner will get when I can no longer care for him.It helpes a great deal to know what a grey likes and is used to. :)

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