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Are there any older talkers in the group?


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I know that they will talk in their own time if they even do talk. I'm just wondering if any of you had a late bloomer in the talking department.

Felix is 16 months old and doesn't talk. I know he is still young though. He said a phrase as plain as day when he was 11 months old and I just knew that would be the beginning of his language explosion. But it hasn't happened.

He whistles, clicks, imitates household sounds like the microwave but doesn't want to talk. Sometimes I hear him mumbling some words but can't understand them.

I know he may never talk and that's OK. I just want some pointers on how to push him in that direction if possible. I've been trying to talk to him more as I do things around the house.


Thanks for listening....

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I know that they will talk in their own time if they even do talk. I'm just wondering if any of you had a late bloomer in the talking department.

Felix is 16 months old and doesn't talk. I know he is still young though. He said a phrase as plain as day when he was 11 months old and I just knew that would be the beginning of his language explosion. But it hasn't happened.

He whistles, clicks, imitates household sounds like the microwave but doesn't want to talk. Sometimes I hear him mumbling some words but can't understand them.

I know he may never talk and that's OK. I just want some pointers on how to push him in that direction if possible. I've been trying to talk to him more as I do things around the house.


Thanks for listening....


OOOohhhh let me tell you ... I said the same thing about Marco infact I was almost resigned to the fact I had a beautiful "whistler/clicker" just not a talker and I was ok with that. She is ALMOST 2 yrs (Dec 23rd) and I would say just in the last 2 months all that mumbling and grumbling REALLY really turns into words and phrases. Heck each new word she learns she puts on the end of a phrase. So ... Whatcha doing? Turned into Whatcha doing girl? Turned into Whatcha doing Marco?


Just when you think they arent paying attention to you and you dont have to worry bout what you are saying infront of them, is when they drop the dredded F bomb or something that you said you really wish they hadn't of picked up lol.


So I can relate to your worry, give your baby time, Ive heard it here several times Greys do things in the own time just continue to talk to Felix and include your baby in on all that you are doing. I sing to Marco ALL the time and have since she was a baby. It will happen when Felix is ready!

Edited by aerial.2000
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If he talked at 11 months old and you hear him mumbling, he is still working on it and calibrating. The more you talk to him as you offer him a nut, fruit, veggie or are washing dishes, vacuuming, cleaning the cage etc. and describe each as you do so. It will give him word that have a meaning to them. The ones he finds most valuable like a favorite treat or wanting out of the cage he will practice (Mumble) and use them. 16 months is still very young. Dayo did not say any word to us loud enough to be heard until he was around 14 months which was "Hello". After that mumbling was heard and with in 6 months from that point he had a vocabulary of 100, then 200, then 300 etc. and the growth became exponential. I stopped counting at around 600 words. They reach a point when they can hear a new word one time and be saying in hours or the next day.


So just hang in there and talk to him all the time with meaningful words. :)

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My CAG, Sterling Gris, is 2 and can repeat a word and phrase instantly. Now my TAG, Ana Grey is 5 and she only more or less says "I want a nut" or "You want a nut" that's it. She can talk just decided not to because Sterling Gris just won't shut up. Go figure! Now my neighbors male ekkie (at least 10 years) in the last two years has decided to talk. So never say never.

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You may also have a "closet talker." Timber doesn't say much when you in the room with him. If I'm in another room, he will talk but I can hardly hear him. I set up a web cam that I can view remotely. He will chatter away for quite some time. I listen to him through the spy cam.

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As far as older talkers....Sophie came to our family at age two going thru terrible twos. Her vocabulary was limited. She had a fantastic owner who was just too busy to care for her. Her vocabulary took off once she got thru the terrible twos. Now I would pay her to give me five minutes of peace without her blabbing! ( only kidding!) Some babies talk slower. I believe they are absorbing information! I also believe in reading to my birds before bedtime. My guys LOVE when I read poems, or Dr. Seuss or Shel Silverstein. Their favorites! They also loved when I repeated contact calls a room away.

One thing I noticed, is Greys pattern of behavioral problems and learning, were similar to a young child. IE: If a grey is two, they can be compared to a human two year old. Nancy

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I never thought about reading to him. Great idea! Thanks for all of the replies! I think part of the problem is that I am NOT a talker so I forget to and don't like to talk when I am doing things around the house. I'm trying to get better and be more aware of it though. But like you all said, you really have no clue what they are actually absorbing so I keep telling my husband to watch it. There is no telling what may be coming out of that beak one of these days. Haha

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You don't need to be a talker. Check out cloth books for younger kids. Sophie's favorite is " Thomas the Tank Engine". She can chew it while I read it. I don't need to read it as I know it by heart, but she notices if I don;t turn the page. So I read it every night, and turn the pages while she chews them. Then she says " awwwwww". Then its bedtime! Nancy

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