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Update on Echo and Radar


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UPDATE on Echo: first round of bloodwork is back showing he had an elevated white cell count consistent with an ongoing bacterial or viral infection. He had a shot of antibiotics and has daily antibiotics in hi water, of which he still will not drink. He is not eating as much solid food as he was before and is still on 2-3 feedings a day. His poop was normal yesterday for the first time ever, but back to inconsistent today. We are waiting on the viral panel to get back next week. The vet is oping it will all be negative, but mentioned bornavirus specifically as a possibility.

I am irritated that I allowed myself to take home Echo before he was weaned. I am also irritated that the breeder let me do it, and that he was possibly sick already when we did bring him home. I' also out $500 in vet bills and counting. I am ready for him to be weaned and normal so we can resume life. This has been a nightmare.

Radar's beak has healed nicely since breaking the tip off two days ago. He was super quiet for awhile and I was afraid he was sick too, but today he was back to his normal obnoxious self.

The cages have both been washed down and separated for the time being until we find out what's going on.


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Yes he should have been weaned by the breeder before he came home with you but that's all water under the bridge now so do whatever the vet recommends and to ensure Echo gets enough food give him as much as he will eat, in fact increase the feedings if necessary until he is well enough to resume eating on his own.

This is a valuable lesson albeit an expensive one for not allowing yourself to be talked into bringing a baby bird home before it is completely weaned but I hope all turns out well for the little fella, keep us informed please.

Don't beat yourself up as you are not the first this has happened to nor will it be the last but maybe others will see this and not be tempted to bring an unweaned baby home.

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I am very sorry to hear you and Echo are going through this. If he is not drinking the water, you should really ask the vet to give you either pills but since you have a liquid form of antibiotic. Perhaps ask the vet if you can just mix it in with the formula and how much you should add. He needs a consistent dosage to fight a bacterial infection. If it is a virus, antibiotics do nothing except help stop a secondary bacterial infection. One other comment just in case this goes downhill. The breeder should have given a health guarantee. I know you love echo, but if this gets worse, I would take echo back and demand a full refund. However, I am hoping and praying for the best outcome. :)

Edited by danmcq
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I am so sorry that this has turned into a nightmare for you. Maybe you could do something like get the breeder to help you with the vet bills. Of course, this won't be done unless you can prove Echo was ill before you took him home. I feel for you now as I remember Peanut (TAG) came home with three infections! I learned to handfeed and give shots within a week!! Peanut, by the way, is a happy healthy 8 year old now. so there may be a light at the end of your tunnel too. Please feel free to PM me if you just want to talk.

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