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Cotay go....


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Cotay go roooaarrrrr!!

So, i don't know if i can paint this picture but during a normal evening of cooking dinner and hubby feeding dogs we hear Cotay say " Cotay go roooaarrr!" Not in a lion roar voice, not in an older child voice but a childs voice who is just learning to talk. We have been trying to get her to do it again to record it but haven't heard it since. It is at the top of my chart now on what birds do or say that crack me up! ( other than "RESPECT" song, heehee)

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Phenix learned to roar from watching me play w/the dogs. But he sounds just like a little boy who's playing lion, too. He goes "ROAR!", then laughs & laughs.


...and I break up every single time I hear him. Phenix rarely does that kind of cute & he is so-o adorable whenever he does that!

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She doesn't hate you! Stop thinking that! She knows when she wins. Remove her from her comfort zone, practice stepup between you and her favorite person. If she bites... back to cage by her favorite.Its always easier, by playing a game.I won't say it is easy, but you can do it thru consistency based on your response as well as rest of family.Once bird understands everyone treats me this way, including favorite family member, they learn.Once you get past the " I only love you" aspect... it can be an amazing experience for the entire family.

Off for vacation in October. Leaving birds and dogs home to be cared by three young men that have known Sophie forever.I want someone here 24/7. IThey are setting up their schedule.I know she will have fun with the " boys". Of course I will talk to them all daily. Nancy

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We do practice that, when Pat has her, we have her step up form then i will walk a little way away from Pat then return her to him so she knows i will bring her back to her safe place. She sat on my shoulder yesterday then after a minute, she started smaking my head and pulling my hair so she didn't get returned to Pat, rather to a time out.lol Stubborn one!

That girl keeps us laughing. Yesterdays new phrase was a simple fart followed by a lower sounding fart as she leaned to the side with a grand finish of "ahhhhhh".

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murfchck... you are doing great with cotay! I support the " timeout".Sophie had a timeout cage in dining room as well as I had a timeout chair for kids. Sophie's timeout was only for biting and lasted five minutes. As Ryan my oldest was especially " bad", he had a timeout chair in dining room as well. I think thats where they bonded! They are especially close to this day 13 years later. LOL! Luckily, she ended up in timeout around three times a day for six months only. Ryan's timeout went on for years! ( just kidding!)

I would suggest wrist status only for safety. When she understands your expectations and the trust is mutual, then baby can go to shoulder. Nancy

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LOL, I have no doubt thats where their bond started!

This fart thing, because we laugh when she does it is her most repeated thing and it has SO many varities. The simple fart noise to the extreme double fart with an ahhhh at the end to a quick one followed by "I have gas". Now as you know none of my birdies will say my name, i am pphhttthhhh to them but Pat has started to say my name after the fart noise or say Lisa has gas and make the noise, my luck she will be the one that learns my name. I will have to kill them both if that happens! lol Who ever first had her and taught her all of this, my hats are off to them, she is one funny girl. I just wish i knew what happened to them and how many times she has been rehomed. I am starting to learn a little spanish, never thought that would happen! lol

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Lisa is doomed! LOL! Of course you are going to be blamed for all gas attacks! Sophie burps, farts, cough and sneezes. Its all normal to us! When my sister was here last week, she mentioned that our home was crazy... she didn't understand how we could enjoy Sophie letting everyone else knowing our personal sounds!!! HUH? I didn't understand her concerns!

I didn't get her concern, as it isn't ours, but I DID rebuttal...Sophie when immitating " wheezing", I would listen to her lungs with a stethoscope, noting they were clear... she was immitating someone who was wheezing! While having two teenagers with asthma, who choose to ignore it, Sophie was always my first symptom! I would ask who is wheezing? One of my kids would admit they didn't feel well.Sophie has been my asthma radar for years! Nancy

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No doubt thats where the bond began!

So i have figured out that Cotay saying "Are you ready? Come on" actually may mean, be ready, i am about to fly to you. Not that she will fly to me, but when she sees Pat, she will say that and then pump her wings getting ready for take off. Yesterday in fact, she bit my side when i was trying to open the drapes in their room, she knows i am actually afraid of her bite. She is picking on me now and taunting me, lol. I got bit by her once and it hurt way worse than the macaws and Gus put together. So now we are working on the trust before i try that again! haha. Our nextdoor neighbor stopped in yesterday, had never seen Cotay before but was greeted by a room full of hellos and she just walk past them saying hello back to them as it was something she does everyday. She got to the kitchen then broke out in laughter when she realized that she was talking to birds, then of course the birds started to laugh with her. What a joy they are, they do make hard days much easier to cope with!

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I know what you mean about that bite hurt. I went through this just recently with Jake and its hard not to shy away. He has been soooo much better but I am still a bit apprehensive in some situations. Throwing a towel around my neck and shoulders really helped. He couldn't get to me to bite and I was confident. With it cooling off some maybe you could wear one of those thick terry cloth spa robes (or a kevlar vest lol) . I know about that mocking thing too. I remember the day Jake stepped up on my arm, bent over and bit the underside of it. Then he straightened himself up, looked me right in the eye and said "your such a good boy". Thankfully for us both I do not have a quick temper.

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So who remembers a movie or a show with the phrase " do it, do it, do it"? I want to say Ben Stiller says it in Starsky and Hutch. Well Cotay says it too, out of no where she was sitting on the kitchen perch and was doing her normal chatting when that came out. It is something new every day and i look forward to the next day. I know to most of you guys her litlle words may seem silly and every day things with your flock but she is my first talker. Gabby chats a little but mostly just says hello, Bubba maybe has 5 words, Oliver just says hello so to hear something other than that is so much fun. She still calls me phhttthhh like Bubba does but has now added "hey weirdo, come here" to call me, bad thing is when i get to her she just says "your weird"! We are working on the trust thing like i said, i am not trying to pick her up and it has improved a wee bit. Yesterday for the first time when i got home and opened her cage, she didn't fluff up at me. She just came out and went to the top play stand area of the cage. I talked softly to her and had my arm on the cage as if asking her to step up so she could get use to my arm in a non threatning way and she didn't come at it striking out. Baby steps!

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My first attempt using an automated phone system with a talking bird n the background. I heard "I think you said ... Is that correct?" about 4 times before i gave up and went outside to use the phone. lol It was 100 degrees out so when i got a human i went back inside where Cotay had 3 of her own phone calls, then kept saying, hey weirdo and your a geek. The poor guy i was trying to talk to was laughing to much to help me with our cable bill. I was trying to explain to him that i only have cable for the birds while we are at work but the bill has jumped to 200 bucks a month, i love them but thats a lot of toys they could be getting. Good thing is he loved hearing the birds, he cut my bill in half so they could keep their tv programs!

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