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My grey


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hi, im older lady,and am concerned with finding home for my grey once im to old to care for,i am 70 yrs. old and my Pepper is 6yrs. If anyone lives near Henderson,KY. or Evansville,In. would like to hear from you if you might be interested in offering my bird new home some day, thanks Rita

Edited by monicamonica
Peppers mom
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I'm sure you and your bird will have many more years together! I agree that it is good to be prepared though. I'd be looking for someone who is quite young. I'd volunteer, but I'm only 14 years younger so probably wouldn't be a good choice! I want to arrange for Timber to go to someone that will outlive him, which means they need to be pretty young.

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Well...........I'm on the long track to Grey ownership. No birds yet. I'm 33. I have no immediate plans on getting a bird due to having dogs with high prey drives. My plan is to continue to gather information about Greys, amass a toy collection, and raise the funds to build an outside aviary and purchase the best cage possible. After my dogs move on is when I planned on actually acting on bringing an older Grey into my life. I elaborated more on my present situation in my introduction thread.


However I live in New Mexico and wouldn't be able to make frequent trips to visit and get acquainted with you and Pepper.

If you want more information on my situation or have questions and such please feel free to give me a private message. I would be interested.

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Awww guys! Aging sucks! I am 52 years old, Sophie has a new home thru several offers if need be. My boys would decide. I'm sure Ryan would want her the most, but if anything happened to me soon, we have people available to care for her until he graduated college. We should all make a pact, to support each others bird, until family could decide to care for that bird or find the best home thru our approval. I'm more than willing! Nancy

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Your best bet is to find local bird clubs that may have members who might be interested in adopting Pepper when the time comes, I know this weighs on us older folks because our greys will outlive us and my family is not interested in taking Josey in when I pass on.

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  monicamonica said:
hi, im older lady,and am concerned with finding home for my grey once im to old to care for,i am 70 yrs. old and my Pepper is 6yrs. If anyone lives near Henderson,KY. or Evansville,In. would like to hear from you if you might be interested in offering my bird new home some day, thanks Rita


My Grandmother lived to be 105 and was active to the end, so in that scenario you got 35 years to go....


You can plan, but stay positive..... Positive people live longer !

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