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Living with birds and Cancer...


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I was a bit worried after getting my cancer diagnosis that my Dayo would think less of me, since birds often hide their own illness so as not to be shunned by the flock and all. I had my final chemo tx last Thursday and I was quite ill this time around. I was pleasantly surprised to find Miss Dayo seamed to know I was ill and would sit quietly, sometimes all day long so I could rest and be ill in peace. She just wanted to be near me and sat near me the whole time lovingly and quietly. I am constantly so amazed by her depth.

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I don't think birds hide their illness from their flock but from potential predators. Predators will target weaker looking birds. So a sick bird will not want to risk attracting danger to their flock. On the other hand the flock will rally to the defence of any flock member.

Your Dayo loves you and will never willingly desert you. I am sure she will help you through your fight however she can.


Love from Steve n Mistyparrot.

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I believe our greys/parrots are intuitive and know instinctively how we are feeling. I find my three parrots always watching and I believe they know what is going on. Your grey has great compassion and wants to help alleviate any suffering/bad feelings that she senses.

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bluedawg... I am sooooo sorry about your diagnosis! I know chemo takes it toll. We are here to support not just you and your bird, but you personally! Let me know if I can help in anyway. Greys truly are empathetic. Don't worry about Dayo. Baby will adapt to what you need. They are the most empathetic creatures I have ever met. Nancy

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Thank you Nancy, I have been trying to find the right person to watch her when I have to go in for surgery. I don't believe in clipping wings so it really has to be someone who is good with birds who will understand the intricacies and possible hazards of having a flighted bird. She has learned my house very well but it might be tough to bring a fully flighted bird to a strange house to stay. I am hoping I will only be in the hospital for like a week so if they keep her in her cage for that time it won't be too bad... I know if I were to "board" her at the vet she'd be in a small crate type cage the whole time. At least her own cage is large and familiar. I hate to leave her alone. She will not understand what is happening.

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So sorry to hear of your cancer but do not worry about Dayo for she understands more than what we give them credit for, she can tell you are not feeling well hence she sat by your side as in comforting you with her presence. When the time comes to go for your surgery just explain what is happening and that you will be back soon with her.

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So sorry to hear you are so sick. I agree, the Greys have a natural way of knowing when we don't feel well and they will help us feel better by being there for us in anyway they can. I must add that my Sun is just as good at this. Miss Dayo may not understand what is going on, but will be sooo happy when you return. Although she might show you some cold shoulders for awhile even though she and you will both know she is happy to see you! LOL

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Wow, thank you Nancy! That is so generous of you... but thankfully not necessary. I do have family close by and I have friends who will come stay at my house while I am away who will watch most of my animals but not miss Dayo. I need a "bird" person to watch her and I have another friend (bird person) who has volunteered to watch her. I am truly blown away by your generosity.

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