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Calling all Working Grey Owners :)


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Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to be a Stay at home Mom or Dad, weather you have kids or just your Greys and Birds at home.. Me being one of them. I currently Work full time at Home Depot, Training on becoming a Breastfeeding Counselor... and hoping starting January of next year to drop down to part time at home depot, and filling in my missed time with my counseling position, which I can work from home for part of that.. My fiance works 40+ hours a week. So on top of my work schedule, being a mom of a beautiful 9mo old, and our 4 legged fur kids, I still need make time for my feathered Babies to make up for all the time Ive missed! How many of you guys Work full time, or even part time? And have a crazy schedule weather it be kids or something else? How do you Find and Make up the time for all thats lost with your work/home life? Love to hear how everyone juggles everything in life and can still be a great and loving parent to their bird(s) !:cool:

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You just do as good as you can. The first 5 years we had Dayo from 16 weeks old onwards, we both worked full time. In fact the first 4 years I commuted 180 miles away and was gone from Monday through Friday and returned home Friday evenings. So my wife was the only one he saw in the early mornings and then out with her in the evenings M-F 530 pm until 9pm. Weekends he was out of his cage from 6am until whenever we went to bed.


They do learn to go with the flow. The most important thing to do first give them at least 3 to 4 hours out with you each evening and secondly is tell them when and where your going to and they will learn very quickly when your "Going to Work" you'll be gone 8 hours. When your "going to the doctor" you'll most likely be back in an hour or 2 etc. Also, if your going to an outing, park etc., put them in a carrier and take them with you. They will love it.


I have been blessed to now work full time from home rather than commuting and my wife is permanently disabled and can no longer work. So now our birds have us home 24/7 except for family or friend functions and outings we take them with us in carriers.

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Like Dan said, you do the best you can. I and many other forum members work outside the home full time. I do the best I can on keeping a routine Timber can count on (most days). He doesn't have as much out of cage time as I'd like, but as Dan says he has adjusted and seems content. I too tell him where I'm going to. He knows when I say "gotta go to work" that he has to go in the cage. He also knows I'll be gone for sometime. He knows the difference between that and be right back. I can tell he knows the difference because of his behavior and his responses.

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Hello fellow orange blood. lol. I retired from Depot almost 3 years ago ( hubby still works there (14 yrs)) and thought in my retirement, that would be a great time to get the grey i always dreamed about. HA, i am now working again just to keep them all fed and to have the ability to get them to vet when needed. I know you will read alot about the amount of time spent with them but i think the quality of time is just as important!

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I have 3 wall birds and 3 large parrots. I used to be home most the day, so they were always out. The past year and half, I have had to take on a full time job also. It breaks my heart tohave to put them in their cages when I leave for work, but I have o choice. I make sure they are out in the morning with me for about an hour and a half, then into their ages, and I leave the tv on. I have a camera I use that goes to my phone so I can look in on them from work. That is nice, but then I see them sitting in their cages and I feel bad..... I come home around 5:30 and immediately let the out and chat up a storm asking them about their day and they help me cook dinner. They stay out until 8:30ish, then they go to bed. If I am late etting home, they will stay up later. On the weekends, it's mostly put all day. They seem to be ok and have adapted.

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I have been retired since getting my three parrots. I do not keep them out all the time. Some days I leave them in their cages until evening and then let them out until bed time. They need time alone and so do I. As long as you get them use to a routine all will be fine. It is the quality of time that counts.

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I work full time and my 3 come out when I get home, they are usually playing on their cage top or sitting on my shoulder while I do things, on the weekends they are out more but not all day. I try to make the most of when I am home to spend quality time with all 3 and one on one so they get equal time, no favorites here.

As you can see from someone who is retired and home most of the day they still do not have their fids out all day, it is best if you do not work that they spend some time in their cage even if you are home, to play by themselves and not be dependent on you for their entertainment for the time comes you may not be able to be at home and then they suffer if used to being out all day.

If you think more in terms of quality of time spent with your fids versus quantity of time it will be a happier household.

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I totally agree with routine routine routine!!! Appreciate the time you DO have with your babies. I work FT and hubby works FT then on the sides hes next to never home and the kids are all moving out last one leaves probably by November this year. I keep lots of toys and foreging stuff in Marco's cage, talk to her in the mornings let her out for a bit, give her fresh food, then tell her I have to go to work (which shes been saying lately) put her in her cage and come home immediately let her out the second I put my purse down and shes out til bedtime. Shes very talkative as soon as I get home and first thing in the morning. She is out ANYtime I am home on the weekends :D You'll find what works for you!

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As all said, its not the time, but quality. Not only do I work 40 plus hours as a single mom, I have a problem with closed cages. Open door policy only, when I was talked into entering the " bird world!" They have their own room with tons of gyms. It was the only way I would say " yes", to having birds. Kids were young when I was talked into getting birds. We all had to be "ON BOARD!" Kids were, and they have been a major part of getting us where we are. Now both off at college, but still very involved in birds lives.When I get home from work, birdroom door is opened first thing and they walk or fly out to me.Just one more child.I laugh when people ask me if I'm suffering with " empty nest syndrome"... I sure would love to know what that feels like. Nancy

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I work full time, and the wife is at home so Sukei stays out of the cage almost all day free to come and go as he pleases. He knows exactly what time I leave and exactly what time I come home LOL, when I leave he stands on top of the cage and lets off a shrill sound. When I come home he goes right to the same place and makes a purring noise :)


Wife says right about the time I come home she goes to spot and waits :D


On thing I found though as luvparrots noted, they do like their alone time sometimes.


As he is free to come and go as he pleases, sometimes, he will go inside the cage and close the door behind him..........funniest thing to watch. He will sit there for a few hours open the door come out and start yapping up a storm, like ok here I am :)

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