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21 yr old just laid an egg...


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So Gabby just laid her first egg. We have done a search on this and am at a loss since this wasn't really as easy as just leave her alone with the egg, and also that we do have a 7 yr old male in the house. They share a double macaw cage with a divider but stranger things have happened. So here is the story.

I noticed a few days ago that Gabby's eating habits have changed, not eating as much as she normally would. Then a few days ago i noticed plucking around her woo-woo. ( my technical word ) I finally got the nerve to tell my hubby today that we really needed to watch her, and that we may be heading to the vet in the morning. After grocery shopping and getting home, Pat took her into the bedroom for some one on one time. According to Pat, she started breathing very heavy and groaning, he stroked her head and belly noticing the egg tip trying to come out. He started to gently massage her belly and getting her to relax ( what a dad! ) then the next thing he knew, there was an egg in his hand. She has a box she plays in on the couch in the living room so not knowing what to do Pat put her and the egg in the box on the couch. Now we are reading to leave her alone with the egg and let her do her thing but what do we do when its bedtime? Move the whole box into her cage or remove it from the box and just put her and the egg in the cage? She looks wiped out. She pushed the egg around getting it where she wanted it and then plopped herself onto it. Now, an hour later, she is out of the box on the arm of the chair. Gesh, this grand-parroting is for the birds! I am completly lost what to do for her!! Also, i read about feeding her higher calcium rich foods, what are some examples of this? Calcium i think milk but that not right! (scrambled egg with the shells??)

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So Gabby just laid her first egg. We have done a search on this and am at a loss since this wasn't really as easy as just leave her alone with the egg, and also that we do have a 7 yr old male in the house. They share a double macaw cage with a divider but stranger things have happened. So here is the story.

I noticed a few days ago that Gabby's eating habits have changed, not eating as much as she normally would. Then a few days ago i noticed plucking around her woo-woo. ( my technical word ) I finally got the nerve to tell my hubby today that we really needed to watch her, and that we may be heading to the vet in the morning. After grocery shopping and getting home, Pat took her into the bedroom for some one on one time. According to Pat, she started breathing very heavy and groaning, he stroked her head and belly noticing the egg tip trying to come out. He started to gently massage her belly and getting her to relax ( what a dad! ) then the next thing he knew, there was an egg in his hand. She has a box she plays in on the couch in the living room so not knowing what to do Pat put her and the egg in the box on the couch. Now we are reading to leave her alone with the egg and let her do her thing but what do we do when its bedtime? Move the whole box into her cage or remove it from the box and just put her and the egg in the cage? She looks wiped out. She pushed the egg around getting it where she wanted it and then plopped herself onto it. Now, an hour later, she is out of the box on the arm of the chair. Gesh, this grand-parroting is for the birds! I am completly lost what to do for her!! Also, i read about feeding her higher calcium rich foods, what are some examples of this? Calcium i think milk but that not right! (scrambled egg with the shells??)



We've recently gone over a very similar situation here concerning a bird laying unfertilized eggs. The only difference here is that you need to keep the male away from her and you need to let her incubate thse eggs until she tires of them which may take about 3 wks.



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The cage has a divider, one on one side, one on the other. Very slim chance its fertile, but you just never know, lol.


Dave, that's one of the threads I kept up with but do I move the box into her cage tonight? She is still on the egg and now charges at me if I go near the couch. But is pulling my husbands hand into the box with her. Bongo, the male, could care less that she has an egg, so I am sure he ain't a proud papa. But I do want to keep Gabby content. So confused! This is what happens I guess when they are only in their cage to sleep, eggs will drop in odd places. Lol

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To answer the other person in this thread, if the bird was in the same cage or in a cage that had a divider, then both situations could stimilate the female to lay eggs.


Murf----Her charging you isn't unusual. Her trying to bite you isn't unusual. Put a small type of nest in the cage and when you can, put the egg in it. Don't mess with her unless you're used to serious bites. Don't have your hubby mess with her while she's like this. Both of you should leave her alone with the egg. Don't change the normal diet. Stay away from grains. As I told that other person in her thread a few weeks ago, she may lay 1,2 or more eggs. Leave them alone . Let her sit on the eggs. She'll tire of them within a full cycle which is 30 days but she may tire of them before that. Take any nesting material out after approx 28 days.. Leave her alone . No special fuss. Go along like nothing's happening. Leave her alone. Do the normal things you do. If you normally give a treat thru the bars then do that but only when she's looking for it. Don't constantly peek into the nesting area. If you need to do that, make sure she doesn't see you.


Keep that other grey away from her. Act normally with him too. If the 2 greys are in a cage with a divider, either put the male in another cage or try to use something solid where that divider is. Believe me, if you mess with her, she'll do damage.

Edited by Dave007
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Thank you. I put a small box in there and shredded some paper and also left some around for her to make "her" nest with. She will be better once in the cage I think as the couch is in the center of everything. I faced the box away from Bongo so she is unseen unless she wants to come out. I guess the rest is up to her. Thank you for the food tip also, she almost got scrambled eggs tonight. Lol I am so nervous, she knows what she's doing, its me who is Freaking out! Lol

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So the box was put in and while she was was not paying attention the egg went into her cage and Pat took her in to show her. She moved it around and then came out and wanted her daddy. We put dinner in as normal and left her alone, when we went to put them down for the night, she was sitting on her normal sleep perch. I guess she is either over it or it was moved too much for her to deal with. Welp, guys we'll see how it is in the morning. Thank you all for the help and support!

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She looks tired but ate her breakfast. Have not seen her in the box with her egg since last night on the couch other then when we put her in there for the night, she went in and pushed it around but went straight back out to be with daddy. We put her food in and she ate dinner, went to her sleep perch and thats where she was this morning. So i am guessing she is over it already. I am going to leave in a while longer until i am sure but she is acting like she has another egg ready to come out. All hunched and fluffed up and poop is huge, even more so than the normal bombs dropped in the mornings!

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You have done really well with her. This is one of those things that would have stirred me up had I not read all of the posts Dave has made in the past. I still would have concern if we found an egg, but just staying calm and acting normal with her has been what she needed. One thing is for certain, our parrots are complicated and very interesting. Never a dull moment in your house is there?

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Are Grey's a type of bird that doesn't start to incubate until all eggs are laid?

Is there another thread somewhere with more information about this? I admit that I am curious about the whole process. I've never really given much thought to how the eggs I like for breakfast in the morning came to be.

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Are Grey's a type of bird that doesn't start to incubate until all eggs are laid?

Is there another thread somewhere with more information about this? I admit that I am curious about the whole process. I've never really given much thought to how the eggs I like for breakfast in the morning came to be.


They'll start to sit on eggs as soon as they show up. That's why the eggs don't hatch at the same time. Each egg needs a cetain amount/time of incubation from both birds. A bird has an egg and will sit on the egg. 2 days later another egg shows up so that 2nd egg will hatch 2 days later than the first etc etc.Other birds do things differently. The eggs you eat are atificially incubated so all will hatch at the same time so you can enjoy your breakfast.

Edited by Dave007
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The eggs you eat are atificially incubated so all will hatch at the same time so you can enjoy your breakfast.


The only hatching of my breakfast eggs had better be from me cracking them into a bowl before scrambling. LOL

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Personally, if it is fertile, i am moving closer to Dan and Dave!!!

So here is a weid thing going on now. Gabby, who normally takes the tail feathers off of any birds who get to close, is now buddy buddy with Gus (U2). They are grooming each other now. Gus even climbed in her cage while I was bringing the birds out after work and was just looking at the egg.

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We had egg number 2 today. I think she is done from the way she is acting. She came into the kitchen, was chewing my coffee pot until i spotted her and the she flew to my shoulder to help with dinner. She then spent the evening flying from Pat to the couch to look in then back to Pat, but never into the box.

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