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Hello everyone! My name is Amanda and about a month ago was when I brought home my new baby grey--Petri! Everyone always asks, "like the dish?" But, nope..like from the Land Before Time, which I loved as a kid lol. I've wanted a grey ever since I was a kid and waited until I was ready and able to bring one home, and give it the best life possible. Well, those dreams came true last month ! He is almost ten weeks old now, and starting to wean. He LOVES to eat. He's tries anything I give him (as long as I put a piece in my mouth first lol). It's funny because he watches me intently when I'm eating and I just know what he's thinking..."I'd like a piece now, please." Lol. He lovesss his brown rice and black beans, carrots, RASBERRYS, cheerios--I put a bunch on a string and hung them in his cage....gone within seconds! haha He's the best! Well, I guess i should stop saying "he" because I haven't had him DNA tested yet, and I have a feeling it's gonna be a she lol.


So, SHe is doing wonderful in her new home, she is almost ready for her big cage! She got up on her perch all by herself a week and a half ago. I was there to see the first time--like watching a baby take its first steps!!! Lol. I noticed she would just keep one foot up there and flap her wings and try and get the other one up. And then at night, she did that and got it up! Now she's always on her perch. I removed the one that came with the cage and put two different textured ones with a better grip in instead.


I also have been introducing her to new things every day. I would put them in her tank in the morning for her to explore, and would eventually find it buried later in the day. SHe would just stop and stare at them before going to them...but NOW! The moment I put something new in her cage, she goes right over to it and starts playing. She's so confident and a little adventurer. Not to mention an escape artist...My dad had found her cage door open last week :o ! So I had to go out and get a little lock for it lol. now I know to watch out for that and have to take extra precautions. She loves new places/rooms in my house and gets right down to exploring every inch of a new one we go into. I love her:)


And that's really that. I do have some questions though! When I am not bombarding my breeder with questions, I'd like to be able to post some here. Since she is still fairly young, what should I be doing in means of "training" so as to help her keep growing up confident and idk the word I am looking for, but I guess just making sure I am not unknowingly enforcing bad behaviors. Any tips or advice would be helpful!


Oh, and pictures to follow!

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So glad that you are here. I'm glad Petri is doing well so far. You asked about training. I would suggest that at this stage you focus on making Petri feel safe and maintain the ability to have some choices in his life. Some believe keeping greys flighted also helps with confidence because it gives them more control over their lives. If they don't like something, they can fly away. That is a personal choice and there is much written about it here. Step up and step down training is necessary, but after that I wouldn't worry about trick training or stuff like that right now. Talk to him a lot, make your words meaningful and teach him what you are saying as you go about your life together. Sing to him, whistle to him, introduce him to new people and things as long as he is comfortable. Can't wait to hear more and see pictures.

Edited by JeffNOK
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Hello Amanda and welcome to our family.

You will learn a lot from the members here and in the meantime read thru as many of the threads as possible for there is a wealth of helpful information to be gleaned from them and ask those questions you may have.

I look forward to seeing some pictures of Petri when you get the chance to share them.

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Welcome! Do be careful when using string that could be long enough for Petri to wrap around her/his neck, wing or leg. It would be heartbreaking to loose your wonderful baby to an accident. Look forward to seeing pictures and hearing more stories of your confidant clever Petri.

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JeffNOK: Thanks! I was actually referring to the step up/down command, since I figured she was too young for anything else anyway lol. What I've been doing with that, is that whenever I take her in and out of the cage, I say "up" or "down" so that when we do start actual training, those words won't be anything new. So should I just keep doing that till she gets a little older? I keep forgetting that she's still very young and most people don't bring grey's home until they're much older. So I guess I am a little ahead of myself.


And, while I can't whistle I do sing to her all the time and replace words with her name lol I dance in front of her too--she probably thinks I'm a crazy person! haha. Whatever toys I introduce her too I show them to her by me playing with them first. I usually do this in a bird-like manner to give her that sense of self and to know how she can play with them too. I also respond to her chirps and squawks by mimicking the ones she makes, to show I can learn her language too! I don't want her to feel that she's a total human and has to learn how to conform to my lifestyle, and I don't adapt to anything of hers! so I make sure to keep it even. I love spending time with her and she's so fun to watch explore. Her new thing is to go under my bed because I have a flat pillow making a space between the bed frame and the pillow that she loves to crawl into--so she'll try and go under there...I'll bring her out....and then as soon as I turn my back she disappears under there again! It's the funniest thing lol just like a child who wants to do what they're not supposed to! I started barricading off those places so she can't get hurt. Which is a full time job when all she wants to do is go somewhere she can't! I love just watching her though, she's amazing..and I've only had her for a month! I am so happy I get to spend all this time with her:)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Baby is doing well! No matter the age they come home... stepup training begins the moment they walk in the door! Read as much info you can find on stepup training. Develop a plan. For me... I believe any new parrent needs to learn what diet is best, followed by planning " how to step up and down." 13 years later.... I can't even ask Sophie to step up... she walks out the moment I walk in the door, and has her foot up and tells me " lets go!" Nancy

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