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Hi everyone! For anyone who read my "New Here" thread in the welcome section, I wrote about how Im taking in a grey next week! *soooo excited!!* :D .... Well anyways, Today I went to visit her for the first time, I was talking to the current owners about her diet to get a better idea on what shes currently eating. I have a Blue and Gold Macaw so am pretty aware of whats on the market for bird foods... But this next part came as a shock to me, maybe I was just never aware that people did this??? She said every day Paco (the grey) Gets 1 cup of juice.... any kind/flavor as long as it was 100% Juice ??? She said that Paco doesnt really like water too much, and that she keeps a bowl of water, juice, and food in there. Why have I never heard of this!? I can only imagine how much sugar this girl is getting. :confused:

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Yikes! Yes, this unusual. You re right, that is a lot of sugar. My tag loves juice, but she only gets juice as a nighttime treat. I put a tiny amount in a cup and hold it while she takes a few sips before bed. It's her nighttime ritual. All other times of the day it's water. My cag only drinks water, and my amazon likes juice if I offer it, but I rarely do.

I would wean her off of it, or cut it with water to dilute it little by little.

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I guess it depends on the kind of juice she means. If she is talking fruit juice then yes that is a lot of sugar but if she is talking vegetable juice, especially from vegies she juiced herself that should be ok. My TAG has sensory issues has has deemed most foods I offer as bad because he doesn't like the way they feel on his beak. He will accept many vegetables if they have been turned into juice. I find it funny that whole vegies are yuck but the same vegies as a liquid are delicious.

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We juice here as well but use a Kitchen Ninja so there are plenty of veggie & fruit particles suspended in the juice-kind of a high fiber juice. If you could slowly cut back on the unhealthy juice and slowly add some veggies to the mix it would be beneficial.

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