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Echo is not well.


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So, our Amazon Echo, (10 weeks) had a second visit with the vet today for blood work and a viral panel. While under anesthesia, the vet discovered his upper respiratory system was full of fluid. He has been put on antibiotics, starting with a shot today, and continuing for 10 days in his water/ formula.


Unfortunately, Echo has not been well since we brought him home really. Everything seemed fine , but the breeder let me take him home on 2 feedings a day. He had a bald spot on his belly that she said was incomplete feathering and was really plucking, and he also had very loose stools she claimed was formula poop but was really diarrhea.

The vet thought initially his vitamin A was off and gave us probiotics and sunshine factor, but after a week there has been no change other than a small weight loss. He is also not drinking any water at all. I cannot get him to even look at his water dish.

Anywho, results will be in by Wednesday and maybe we will have a clearer picture.

And coincidentally, I happened to get very sick about 5 days after we brought him home with a fever that lasted 4 days and then bronchitis that required antibiotics and steroids. The vet says it is probably a coincidence that I got sick (as did 4 other kids) but....

I am just so disappointed by this whole experience. I researched everything but then ignored the one big rule- quarantine. Radar checked out okay today though and perfectly healthy. I am disappointed in the breeder too. I knew she was not as good of a quality as Radar's breeder, but still. It's frustrating. Oh, and the extra $800 this has cost has been stinky too.


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Beth, I don't mean to be critical but this is exactly why baby birds should be weaned before they are sent home, too many things can go wrong. I would be disappointed with this breeder too as an excellent one would have never sent you home with an unweaned bird in the first place, shame on them.

Please stay in close touch with your avian vet until Echo is out of danger and keep us updated, I do hope he will be just fine.

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I am so sorry you have all been under the weather. It makes it all the more difficult to weather the emotional struggle with a sick baby. Hopefully the antibiotics will help Echo and you will see some progress. Hope he is a good boy to take meds from you. My heart is with you and as the others have said, praying for improvement for Echo.

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