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Stange Avian Light Behavior


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Well, my first thought is he wants his tan to be even so is exposing his underside to the light as well... ;) Seriously, I don't know what is going on. Maybe someone with more experience will know. As for the hanging from the top of the cage and walking about like Sukei is, Timber does that also and it is not related to the light. Why? Who knows, but he does it at times. If I forget to raise the light when Timber is out of the cage, he will try to chew the fixture. I don't think it has anything to do with it being the light, I think it is "just because it is there" and he wants to get his beak on anything he can.


I think Timber likes his light. He seems to make a point of sitting in its range when napping or preening. When he is sprayed, he always makes a beeline for the light. Wish I had a better answer for you!

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I spray Timber daily because he likes it. He doesn't "open his feathers" but he likes being wet and enjoys the spraying. When he is in the mood, he will go to his water bowl and start throwing water over his shoulder (usually after being sprayed). That is my hint to get the glass baking pan, put nursery water in it, and put it in the bottom of his cage so he can take a "full bath."

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I wonder if maybe he doesn't like it so close. My tag got a severe sunburn from that same kind of light on her eye. Or maybe you should add a few more hanging toys near the top to play with.


Thanks, Ill raise it up a bit, the directions said 12 inches from the perch, so I thought I was good it is 16 to 18 inches.

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Sukei is simply trying to get to the light to beak it and chew on it. It does look a little close to me as well. I know as you said, the instructions do say from the perch, but I placed mine 12 " from Dayo's head when he is standing on the perch.


When I let day out of the cage, I turn the light off and sometimes need to go get when if he fly's to his cage top and starts beaking the light. That hard plastic cover could be broken with a few good chomps I think. Anyway, grey are curious and once they get used to an object, they will start trying to beak them and check them out. So Sukei is a normal grey. :)


One note, if he will do that for an hour straight, I would turn the light off for a while until he settles down. Being that close to the light can cause eye damage and a sun burn as talon pointed out.

Edited by danmcq
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I put it up as tall as it will go, about 10 or 11 inches above his head head see how that goes. Ill be curious if the barbeque roll continues, of course it could be like Timbersmom said, he might be trying to keep an even tan LOL

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I think I have the same stand. My base was wobbly, so I took it off and clamped the light to the wall. You can get an easier "range" of height where you need it that way. I left the swinging arm thing on so that I can adjust it for the burn in period and when he is out of cage.

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We have the same light too. Gilbert pays no attention to it at all. As far as a normal grey, they keep redefining that for us.


A "Normal Grey"??? They are not in any sense of the word. I call them mystifying complex creatures. :)

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There are times when parrots do that because they sense alien beings and circular heads on extraterristial rays on foreign beings. many of those parrots are simply going up to the tops of cages to move things away to provide a safe and successful landing. The UVB/UVA lighting distracts and endangers the ships from landing orrectly. The birds also sense that human beings won't provide such a good landing. Humans are always afraid that the aliens will be taking them back to a different planet to experiment with breeding new strains of humans. They'll study habits and attractions and sexual cohabitation of beings that come from Earth.

Edited by Dave007
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Oh, thanks for the explanation Dave! The wealth of wisdom on this forum never ceases to amaze me ;)


It's always a good idea to find and deepen the wealth of knowledge that's out there for the taking. I can see that you're feeling more content with what you've discovered today.

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That light is much much too close. You could cause serious harm to her eyes. Because it is irritating her she may be trying to get it away from her territory. Were there no instructions with the light explaining how to place it?


Steve n Misty

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There are times when parrots do that because they sense alien beings and circular heads on extraterristial rays on foreign beings. many of those parrots are simply going up to the tops of cages to move things away to provide a safe and successful landing. The UVB/UVA lighting distracts and endangers the ships from landing orrectly. The birds also sense that human beings won't provide such a good landing. Humans are always afraid that the aliens will be taking them back to a different planet to experiment with breeding new strains of humans. They'll study habits and attractions and sexual cohabitation of beings that come from Earth.


Can I try some of what you are on Dave ? ;)


Steve n Misty (just me not Misty!:) )

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Yes, the directions say 12 inches from the perch, but everyone has said to move it up, so now I have it as far up as it will go about 10 inches from the top of the head instead of 12 inches from the perch.


He is still doing the roll, its like he wants the light on his chest.



Ooops didn't quote, that was an answer for Misty&Steve



And Dave007 all I could think about reading your post was Toy Story......"Don't GO Into The Light!" LOL

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It is a constant 76 to 78 degrees in the whole flat.... Because of the temperature out side being 130 degrees at the high point and 110 at the low point, they try to maintain the entire building at that temp range.


Is that to cold? I know it is not too hot..????

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