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Hello everyone,


I have a 20-something year old Timneh grey that's been acting a little funny lately. I've heard of parrots regurgitating food as a sign of affection. But I have noticed that my bird does it quite often. He bobs his head up and down and then this thick white stuff comes up out of his mouth. It does not look like a liquid. The stuff usually looks like white crumbs once it is dry and/or if he rubs his beak on the cage or perch. Nearly every time I am around him he does it, especially if I pet him (and sometimes he runs away while doing it, but he loves a good head scratch...). He also does it when I am not around which is what has gotten me concerned, because I've been seeing that white gunk on his cage from time to time.


His behavior hasn't really been out of the ordinary, but he IS a finicky eater, although he kind of always has been. Any ideas? He's never been ill before and I'm hoping he is not now. But should I contact a vet about this?

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If he hasn't been to an avian vet in a while it might not be a bad idea, at least give them a call and ask about it, none of us here are vets so if there is any doubt its best to ask. Usually if they are regurgitating they do it in our presence but if he is doing it when no one is around then to me that is cause for concern unless he is directing those affections to some inanimate object in his cage.

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A regurge when they see their love muffin is common sometimes. But, doing it when your not around is not normal. As Judy said, I would take him in for a check up with your avian vet. It is the only way to know if all is well. Do you weigh him weekly? If so, how is his weight average? A change in weight suddenly is a quick way of knowing something is wrong as well. If you do not weigh him weekly, you really should.

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A regurge when they see their love muffin is common sometimes. But, doing it when your not around is not normal. As Judy said, I would take him in for a check up with your avian vet. It is the only way to know if all is well. Do you weigh him weekly? If so, how is his weight average? A change in weight suddenly is a quick way of knowing something is wrong as well. If you do not weigh him weekly, you really should.



That part had me in giggles....

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