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toilet training ?


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I've never heard of the pooping too much thing, and I don't tell my birds all the time, just when I notice them doing the potty dance, which I can usually say no to them grab them and hold them over the sink or something, and then they go! I also let my bird poops dry before picking them up, yeah it's gross, and its soooo much more effective them smooshing it into the carpet then scrubbing, I give it an hour or so come back with a napkin, and you would never knew it had happened!

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  • 2 years later...

Every time my parrot poops I tell him good poop(thats when he's in his cage or tree) I told him if he wants to poop he has to go to his tree. He actually does it and is loose with me all day flying around with me from room to room. So I think if you put a word to the action they can be housetrained. Even a piece of toilet paper if not near the cage works. Put it down, then your bird and tell him to go 'poop'. It works but takes patience as you have to say 'no poop' and take him to his poop area. Hope this helps

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

minez just go where they want. i dont make an issue out of it. being that we R out running errands or out doing other stuff it is difficult to trane them. i mite start working on it more in the future. better yet ill have my wife take charge of that. B) it can be her special project with the birds. :) i will give her all the credit. :silly: when she has accomplished the mission. come to think of it i could use a little x away from the birdz. :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: jamalbirdbiz, at: 2009/11/11 18:03

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Ishmael - Harvey is the same as your bird - he is trained too. I certainly wouldn't want he wanted - I'm afraid I pride myself on my home too much (and also I have young nieces around all the time and wouldn't want them playing in parrot poop!).


He goes on his playstand - the only time he has an accident is when he is in here with me in the study and he's sitting on top of the door - he's too nosy to go and unless I take him there he'll not go himself! I combat this by putting some newspaper under the door! :)

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