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New owner to be, "Django" will be joining our family end of this week!


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Hey all!


My name is Joyce, I'm 29 years old and I live in the Netherlands. In our family we have 8 cats, 2 dogs, 2 bunnies an Amazone parrot and myself got 6 budgies who live with me on the top floor. This weekend we will be expecting our first African Grey! We used to have 2 Amazones, but Lorre sadly passed away after 38 years of being in our family and being 50+ of age. Lorrito is with us for about 13 years now and we expect him to be around his 20's.


We are all very excited to get our baby bird. I have included pictures of our first visit on 6th of August, second visit 10th of August, third visit at 13th of august and our visit from the 20th of August. So you can see his growth :). He's already a very big boy (we think it's a boy, but he's not been sexed yet). He is roughly estimated around 8 weeks, but we will hear this weekend what his birth date is I think, this is when we will pick him up and bring him home with us :).


His name is possible going to be Django, depending if our mum can master to pronounce it.

visit 4 20 august.jpg

third visit 13 august.jpg

First visit 6 august.jpg

Visit 2 10 august.jpg

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Thanks all :). I shall post pictures of the budgies later on as well. Lorrito doesn't look too well with his feathers ruffled up, but they're fine again, he's not molting. Lorrito and our other parrot didn't like each other. I have trained Lorrito and he's the sweetest guy for me, but he's aggressive to other family members, even if they give sweets. Going to follow a workshop and maybe 2 training sessions at a specialized behaviorist for birds. Since I have tried alot of tips from internet/ parrot sites, but I can't get him to be nicer to others.

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Welcome Joyvke. I understand the terrible with a parrot not liking anyone else. My Sun will attack anyone who dares enter 'his' domain!! My daughter has a small scar above her eye to prove it. Can't wait for pictures of your Django when he comes home.


Yea, it's frustrating! When we got Lorrito, he was taken out of the transport cage and he immediatly flew to my brother to attack him... We think something has happened to him before he came to us. None of us had the guts to do anything with him so he just sat in his cage for a long time. A few months ago I decided it was enough and started to train with him. With a towel and balded fist at first which he bit in. Then when he didn't bite the towel anymore with my bare hands. He did bite me real hard a few times where one time he bit me to the bone, but even though it hurt I tried not to take my hand away. After a week he didn't bite anymore or just nibbled - but managed to take him off that as well. Second week I was able to get him out of the cage and he loves a pat on the head. Sometimes he can be very cheeky. When I want to put him back in the cage he runs away from me. Or when I tell him to step up he slaps his head against my hand so I can pat him, but refuses to get on ;p. Tonight we have a "parrot" party which is an informative meeting, so I hope I can get something out of there as well :).


For Django I am trying to involve my mother and brother as much as I can, since they are still a bit scared. I'm hoping to get to the workshop and maybe bring my brother along as well, but we'll see. I don't think Django is old enough then (9wks), but doubt Lorrito might be an option. I'm a bit scared he doesn't like the other birds and starts doing things out of my control!


Last week when we were at the vet to look at Django he literally gunned/ shoot out a poop. Is that normal for babies? There seemed to be quite alot of force with it :o. I'll include a picture, but from what I've been told by the vet that's normal! It's roughly the size of the width of an a4 printer paper. So 20 cm/ 8.5 inches. Counting from the brown goo (pellets) to the end of the watery bit.

2013-08-20 18.49.28.jpg

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Since Django is only around 8 or 9 weeks old, he is still on hand feedings of formula and perhaps is getting some pellets or other foods introduced to try out. Formula contains a lot of water and yes, baby greys "shoot out" watery poops like that. He is sure a cutey!


I hope the workshop you attend tonight will give you some good tips on dealing with Lorrito. :)

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Since Django is only around 8 or 9 weeks old, he is still on hand feedings of formula and perhaps is getting some pellets or other foods introduced to try out. Formula contains a lot of water and yes, baby greys "shoot out" watery poops like that. He is sure a cutey!


I hope the workshop you attend tonight will give you some good tips on dealing with Lorrito. :)



Thanks! The workshop was very informative, but alot of things I already knew. For my mum it was all new though so it was good. Apart from spilling hot tea on my lap (very painful, I'm not sure what I screamed, but it was foul, apologized immediately though ;p). it was a great evening. The lady who does behavioral stuff is most likely coming to us in the future to see what Lorrito's problem is with his aggressive behavior to some family members. Since I'm terrified what he may do to other people (or birds) when we would go to the other workshop.


Just a bit scared for Polyoma really. Got budgies in my room and they are apparently known for having the disease. Going to change clothes every time I go downstairs to make sure nothing, or a very small chance of something happening.

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Django has arrived! Our dog Blacky already took the role of guardian on her and growls to anyone or anything coming close :P. Had to hold her back in order not to have her lick Django soaking wet. For some reason she really takes to baby creatures, wonder how it will be when Django is older!


Django tried to sleep on one paw and slept with his head in the neck. Also made the crunching sounds after he had his porridge. I think he feels pretty at home already. Trying not to take him out too much but do occasionally open the cage and pet him. After he had a meal we put him on our lap, the full crop is still a bit scary, we don't want to let him get troubles with it.


He also got his own passport - I guess for when he feels like taking a holiday ;). He does seem to have a bald spot where the crop is, but I guess it will grow closer as he gets more feathers.


He's born on the 19th of june, so is 9,5 weeks old :).

blacky en django.jpg

poging tot eten.jpg

hmm appeltje.jpg

djang slaap.jpg

dnajgo slaap 2.jpg

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Blacky was almost able to lick him today. Good thing my mum managed to keep his tongue away, poor Django if Blacky would have succeeded :P. I'm also not sure if this is coincidence or not. Every time when I take him out of his box (he's in a big plastic box for the time being, since he can hardly sit :P) he makes these sounds. At times more so than other times. Whenever I put him back in his box, he shoots out a big poo. This happened 3 times with me and one time with my mum and brother. I wonder if he's already holding onto his poop when he's outside his box. I sure was proud of him and praised him for it :). He's a lazy fella though. Tonight I took him out and he was afraid of some toys. Was laughing really silly(the way they like it) and suddenly he had an interest in the toy. He was just laying down and playing.... LAYING DOWN!


I had to go to school for 3 days so wasn't able to spend alot of time, but according to my mum as soon as he hears me he's acting differently. Looking where I am. I'm kind of glad about that :P means he loves me most mwahahah. Really loving this little guy already :).


edit: will make some clips and photos again tomorrow. Is this still the right thread for it? Or do I need to make another one somewhere else? :)

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Nah Lorrito doesn't look like that. Apparantly he's an Red-Lored Amazon :o.


http://www.koppiekrauw.com/Soorten-PA/Papegaaien-Psittacidae-Arinae/05-Amazon/autumnalis-autumnalis.htm at least he looks most like this one :). Thanks for trying to find what he is though!


I'm also starting to fear he may have been a wild catch, since he has an open ring and it's not a species I see very often over here either...

2013-08-30 16.46.43.jpg

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Django is adorable, what a sweetie, I don't see a stuffed animal in his cage so why not put one in he can snuggle with, at this age they are used to being with clutchmates and it serves as a security blanket until they start perching. Thanks for sharing those videos with us.

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Ahhh he's too cute!! I just saw the pictures. I remember when I first brought Ruby home. They grow up so fast :( Jade, my mutt is the same way with my Ruby. She has really big ears so Ruby recently has made it a habit of biting her ears and Jade doesn't know what to make of this.


Take lots of pictures!!


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