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Putting Grey's together, male and female?

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Had my female since 6month old she loves me so much, regurgitates food daily and has even laid eggs once for me about 5 years ago.


Just been given a male also ringed n sexed, his saying born in 90 and hers 99.


They seem to get on really well through the bars, been pushing them together for about 3weeks on a night. I've even had them out together on her cage which she didn't seem to like. She loved him but as soon as he turned away she went for him. Then she flew off onto his cage and got inside and wouldn't come out. So I left them in eachothers cage over night.


I've since put them back and had them out when ever they are on her cage she ain't happy but on his they are ok. Pruning eachother non stop even falling asleep when lights are dim.


I'm jus scared of putting them in one cage cause I don't want to have to tell friends sorry my parrot killed yours!!!


I think in his they would b fine and am saving for a new v large cage for them, but am just scared any advice I would really help



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Hi Craiggill and welcome to the grey forum to you and your companions.

What are your greys name and we also love pictures.

Most greys that are pets would rather live in their own cage for the most part and if you want to keep them that way as pets than let them have their own cage.

If your female is bonded to you she may never want much of anything to do with the male other than to talk back and forth to him.

Only time will tell as to how much they accept each other. If by some chance they bond with each other you may lose a companion that you have loved for years.

You have been the center of your little girls life and she may want to keep it that way.

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Welcome Craiggil. It's GreYt having you here. :)


Ray has given good advice. As he said, greys that have bonded with humans do not normally end up being a pair. It really does not sound like their friendship means they would enjoy "Moving in" together. Most greys are very cage aggressive when it comes to others residing in it.

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Hi Craig, welcome to the Grey family. Great info from Ray. I have a female TAG, (5 years) and a male CAG ( 2 years). They are friends. My TAG will feed nuts to my CAG and my CAG takes them nicely. They each have their own cages and sometimes go into another's cage and steal food. They are never in the cages at the same time. My greys are flighted so can go anywhere they want. I also have a flighted zon and all three are out at the same time all the time. If any one of them wanted to "live" together, that would be fine with me, but that would be their choice. It's certainly not something I would encourage. If your greys choose to share a cage they would do it. Let them decide. I certainly would not want to lose the companionship you have with your little lady. If you want to bred greys, I would look into finding a breeding pair, but as I understand ti, it is not an easy thing to do, to raise, wean and sell greys. They need a calm and private area in which to live and are not friendly pets.

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Hello Craiggill and welcome to our family.

I think you need to make a decision whether you want these two as pets or breeders and my opinion is to keep them as pets. Pet greys do not make good breeders and vice versa, breeder birds need privacy and to be left alone so if you keep these in the home then pets they are. Most greys like to have a cage they can call their own even if they get along with each other, they can get possessive of it and not want any intrusion whether another bird or a human, besides breeding greys is not just putting a male and female together, it involves a lot of work and research to do it properly plus you will not make any money at it by the time you spend on supplies, vet fees and so forth and so on.

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Welcome Craiggill. It seems you have two friendly Greys. To you and to each other. My advice is if you want to keep them that way, leave things as is. They love their time together during the day, but have the privacy of their own cages at night. It is the best of both worlds.

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