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Howdee floks

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Greetings everyone. I'm Bigwick, and a proud new Gray owner. I'm from a small (VERY SMALL) town in West Virginia, a Coal Miner/ Carpenter by trade, and of corse "Real Hillbilly"... I look forward to making new friends and am an easy person to get along with. If you want to know - just ask. Later Taters


PS: any advise on biteing Parrots will be greatly appreciated lmao, <Glances down at the bandaids on my fingers>

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;) why thank you kindly I reckon if'n you are a hillbilly then Im boarderline redneckishy lol :o :o nice to meetcha and welcome to you and your grey ...<hands you new box of bandaides> I bet I might have your small town beat with where I live we'll have to compare :D Tell us more bout your baby .. how old how long have you had them etc :) the people on the boards here have great advice ... cant wait to hear more
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I just had to go look on a map to see where to find Gilbert WV. Beckley is my half-way marker when driving from Georgia to family in Pennsylvania. My husband's grandparents were from Fairmont. It is just beautiful where you live, I would be a hillbilly any day. Thirty years ago I went to meet family and was taken back a little when someone at church came up to Aunt Midge and asked how she was feeling. From the sweetest proper looking little lady came out "Well, I've been better, I was drunker than a billy goat last night." In church. Have mercy. I hadn't been raised in church but thought they certainly aren't stuffy now are they? LOL. Turns out she was talking about an inner ear balance issue. I learned to love all the colorful language and have delighted in visiting family in WV. Welcome to the forum, glad you could join us.

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WV is armed sign.jpgThanks, its great to be here. Everyone here has been so helpful and friendly, like West Virginians lol. Yes I have heard the same colorful slang you speak of. My Grandmother was raised back in the 30's and 40's and boy did she have some stories and sayings. I still crack up thinking what a "Hick" she was. back then these folks we speak of were raised hard and learned to appreciate the simple things like family and respect, and it sure came out in her. You sure didn't sass Granny either or you might get a whoopin with a bible lol. Sadly those folks are slowly leaving us to be replaced by a more modern generation. Don't get me wrong, Progress is good.

I read once that the reason we speak with such a hard Appalachian drawl is because this state was so isolated from the rest of the country by the hills that the old English is still present in the language(YEE - YOU). The reason we broke from VA was because of this also. it was hard for the state government to upkeep this part of the state so we broke and formed our own. Anyway didn't mean to give you a history lesson lol. Glad you like it here.

I just had to go look on a map to see where to find Gilbert WV. Beckley is my half-way marker when driving from Georgia to family in Pennsylvania. My husband's grandparents were from Fairmont. It is just beautiful where you live, I would be a hillbilly any day. Thirty years ago I went to meet family and was taken back a little when someone at church came up to Aunt Midge and asked how she was feeling. From the sweetest proper looking little lady came out "Well, I've been better, I was drunker than a billy goat last night." In church. Have mercy. I hadn't been raised in church but thought they certainly aren't stuffy now are they? LOL. Turns out she was talking about an inner ear balance issue. I learned to love all the colorful language and have delighted in visiting family in WV. Welcome to the forum, glad you could join us.
Edited by Bigwick70
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