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Gray that bites everything near his cage


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SAM_0940.jpgHere are a few more we took. I did it kinda like you do a wreath. Started with an "X" for the actual perch, cut a "V" cut in the ends for the loop to rest in, then just wound the smaller vines over and tacked them in. A brad nailer is the bomb on these projects. If you need to ask anything specific about the building of the perch, I'll be happy to help...


PS: Couldn't resist throwing in a pic of Wilbur loving life on his perch. He climbed out on his own to it today :)... I think solidarity was one of his problems...Oh and I hope you have plenty of vine because its gonna take it. I'm still not finished with this one lol... Oh and if you do facebook im "Brad Wicker- gilbert WV"...


Most greys love a heavy duty bell that they can play fight with, I know mine does and it is her favorite thing in her cage, I never take it out and she can be very violent with it at times.


That is one nice perch you made and please do share more pictures of it as I have some grapevines and could make one of those.





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Unfortunately I suspect that what this ones fate will be lol... but It was fun doing and he seems to love it. I think he's accepted it as his property. I got to thinking, if he feels volurnabe out of his cage, and I think he does cause he never leaves it except rarely to got on top, then the slightest movement from anyone and he quickly climbed back inside. Today was his first time climbing out without being forced to do so.

Oh I love that grapvine perch. Unfortunately, Louie, the zon, would have that destroyed in no time. He loves wood and destroys toys almost immediately.
Edited by Bigwick70
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LOL! Next you will be deciding what's for dinner based on what Wilbur can eat and likes... you are getting there ;)


They feel safest in their cage, so until he is totally comfortable in his environment and with the people in the house, he will probably continue to go in. That behavior will probably decrease with time :)

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LOL, yes I probably will. Last night he ate spaghetti with me. I put the plate near his perch and acted like I was eating and he could join in if he desired, he did, but he didn't like his choice of bell pepper rofl...he spit it out quickly and shook his head. I felt it was a HUGE step forward by him getting on the perch on his own today and I see a big change in his attitude also. The aggression is going away but he still lets me know if im going too far with a tiny nip. Next time, its blood lol...

LOL! Next you will be deciding what's for dinner based on what Wilbur can eat and likes... you are getting there ;)


They feel safest in their cage, so until he is totally comfortable in his environment and with the people in the house, he will probably continue to go in. That behavior will probably decrease with time :)

Edited by Bigwick70
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SAM_0965.jpgI'm Curious... I read that to tell a male/female Grey depends on the color of the tail, or that you can tell that way but not 100%. When we got him the previous owners thought he was a she.

I read that the female will have just a hint of gray on the outer edges of the tail feathers and the male solid red. I'm half blind in my old age but I have glasses and I cant see and gray anywhere in his. Is this true cause I don't half believe anything I read on google now. Also would you guys look at this pioc and see what you see please. Thanks so much. This site is the Bomb guys....

Omg this Parrot cracks me up. I cant hear too well and now he's started mocking me saying "Huh", and it really sounds like me. Hillbilly accent and all, and he yells "HEY" like some hillbilly dude hollerin for his friend or something ROFLMAO


And yes I feel very fortunate now that I heard other stories "Timbersmom"....



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Woke up this morning and Wilbur beat me up. He was sitting in his open cage door wanting me to feed him so I did. I got my "Step up stick" out and for the first time he climbed up. Usually nothing will pry him from the security of his cage... He's really an amazing bird and obviously very eager to be part of our family. Unlucky for him it is very dysfunctional lol...

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Man I got to tell this one. I was just on the phone with my sister and I got this office chair at my PC that rocks back. Wilbur's cage is behind it. I was jabberin away with her and all leaned back there, not paying attention to anything and all of a sudden I heard "Coo", and the same time felt something gently grab my finger. LMAO, I jumped up outta there really fast and heard the cage flinging around and I don't have to say what happened. Wilbur was trying to get my attention and snuck down the cage to nibble my finger. I scared him as bad as he scared me LOL. I figure if he wanted to sneak me, there was defiantly his chance!

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Also the poor little feller try's to fly sometimes and I think where he's been in isolation so long he has forgot how. Well he can fly but not land. LOL he fly's till he hits something and that worries me that he's gonna hurt himself. I used to trim my Cockatiel's wings when I had it but I trimmed the back 4 or 5 inside feathers. I noticed on the internet them trimming the outer ones. Any suggestions or do you think I should just let him fly and get the hang of it again. Sometimes he fly's and grabs my wife's what-not's and they come crashing down. Not good to break a woman What-not's lol... He seems tougher than a Woodpecker though...

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That is a good video, thanks for finding it for us. It sounds like Wilbur is building some trust with you and is learning he doesn't need to bite you to get his point across. I love what you did with the perch to "bridge" between the biting transition to eventually when he will step up onto your hand. This approach has not worked with Gilbert, but he stepped up to me from the beginning and abruptly stopped when I had braces installed on my teeth. Since he still will step up to others, and sometimes to me, I just don't force the issue and he comes to me in other ways on his terms. Your description of relaxing with your back to him and getting a surprise will keep you on your toes, no doubt. As far at the flying wildly and breaking things, if you had one room where you could take out any excess obstacles, maybe being away from the cage area would be calming to Wilbur. When we had a different parrot who was flighted, I had a pool table in our basement and put foam mattresses on it so we had a spot to go and help him learn to land. They are quick studies, so when the time is right he will learn.

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My vet suggested using a towel over a forearm for step ups. I had to laugh because I was already doing that. She said that the "new" thought is that some birds really don't like skin and to try covering up if they are bitey or appear afraid of hands/arms. If they are happy stepping up on a covered arm or gloved hand than go for it. In our case Jake doesn't like skin. Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever thought that a parrot would tell me that my outfit was to skimpy and to go change. ROFL. I have told my partner never to let Jake see pictures of a burka or a childs ghost costume because he just might decide to have me wear that.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just wanted to say Thank You to everyone here on this Forum. I really don't think I could have done it without you guys. Wilbur is doing great and acting all happy and nice. He gets out of his cage and goes all over the house now and has become a valued member of our family :) ... Learning what to watch for in their actions is definatly the key. He is such a good bird now and you can tell he loves us as much as we love him. When I get in from work, he climbs down the cage to greet me, neck all stretched out there, begging for me to notice him lol...

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I have loved reading the saga of Wilber and his buddy Bigwick70. I found myself cheering you two on through the earlier posts, and smiling from ear to ear at .." Wilbur is doing great and acting all happy and nice. He gets out of his cage and goes all over the house now and has become a valued member of our family ... Learning what to watch for in their actions is definatly the key. He is such a good bird now and you can tell he loves us as much as we love him. When I get in from work, he climbs down the cage to greet me, neck all stretched out there, begging for me to notice him lol... ?"


You and Wilber have done such a great job with each other!

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