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Earl and earth quakes

Suzette Furby

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First d like to say sorry to every one. I posted a thread and took what some people said the wrong way.

I think its because im from New Zealand and didn't understand the humor ha ha. I feel like a bit of a fool now.

Anyway we have had a lot of really big earth quakes and Earl who is only 7 months old is really spooked. He has become really needed of me, all the people he use to love he now bites and growls at.

Has any one got any ideas how I could help him to relax and trust people again.

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No worries, we understand. :)


An earthquake is a monumental event and one that sends all creatures scurrying. Your Earl is a very young grey and is much more sensitive than any human and is probably feeling aftershocks we humans do not detect. That literally rocked his world.


The only thing you can do is stay calm yourself and soothing to him in tone of voice. Maybe offer a favorite treat to get his mind off that huge event. Perhaps a favorite toy, cardboard box or magazine to shred etc. can be added to keep him occupied. I hope you and family al came through that quake unscathed. :)

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Suzette I am one of those who made some remarks that were meant in jest but I sometimes forget not everyone takes it that way so am sorry if I offended you for that was certainly not my intent.

I don't know what to tell you regarding the earthquakes for we hardly ever have any, I have only experienced one myself and it was minor but I know you all over there are having some frequent ones but if you remain calm and not panic then it might help with Earl, they do react to our stress levels.

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First d like to say sorry to every one. I posted a thread and took what some people said the wrong way.

I think its because im from New Zealand and didn't understand the humor ha ha. I feel like a bit of a fool now.

Anyway we have had a lot of really big earth quakes and Earl who is only 7 months old is really spooked. He has become really needed of me, all the people he use to love he now bites and growls at.

Has any one got any ideas how I could help him to relax and trust people again.



I really don't know if you can tell whether quakes are coming but if you have a time of the year that they occur, you should move your bird very close to you and the family. That way, you can constantly talk to your bird when very harsh wather occurs or is about to occur. Also get very close ( face to face) and talk or hum or sing. When a bird is very close and sees you very close it feels more safe. Get closer to the cage moreso than usual. Some greys are terrified by lightning or thunderstorms and others don't even flinch when those things happen. Earthquakes are different because a cage rattles. Doing things to distract a bird is about the only thing you can do.

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Earthquakes happen without warning at any time. Many critters know they are coming a little before they hit. I have seen my dogs jump up alarmed for no reason and birds all take to flight before one happens. Us humans don't know until the ground starts trembling and moving. Critters use senses we lost eons ago that help them survive monumental events versus us humans are blind-sided by them.

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I am glad you're back. Do you take your bird out to socialize with other people? I would just try to get him less in a routine, and add a little variety to his life by introducing him to other people and situations in a calm way. Expand his horizons so to speak. It is really more healthy when your bird knows and trusts more people. I know you are trying.

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I live in Oklahoma and we are more known for tornadoes than earthquakes, but oddly we have had some relatively big earthquakes in recent months. We had a 5.1 not long ago in the middle of the night and Gracie my CAG fell off her perch and screeched and flapped around. It was awful. She seems OK with lightning and thunder and 80 mph winds, but that quake shook her up. I feel for you. One thing that seems to work for me when Gracie gets scared is to say "It's OK Don't be scared." Now whenever something spooks her she says it to herself. She repeatedly says "Its OK Don't be scared" until she settles down. Your reaction and calm will communicate volumes.

Edited by JeffNOK
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