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Do your parrots do this?


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My boys are obsessed with sex lately. It seems weird since it is the end of the summer. Both my Amazon and my quaker "pleasure" themselves at least twice a day. Brutus, my grey, is frequently horny but he doesn't display the obvious actions of my other two. I really have not seen this topic addressed on this forum before, and I am curious if your parrots are acting sexually or not.

Edited by chezron
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I have not seem much sexual activity out of my parrots but Josey my grey got a little possessive of a wiffle ball under her cage one day, she was under there presumably looking for whatever she could find but had a ball and when I got close she would come out all puffed up and charge at me, I promptly took it away and no more problems. I have never seen any of my parrots use an inanimate object for their affections but my sun conure will occasionally try to push her butt up against my neck masterbating but I stop her in her tracks. Maybe some of the other members will have more insight into what is going on with your birds.

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My Amazon is the worst! We had workers over at the house today, and they were like, "What is up with your bird?" How do you explain that?????

I know it means he is happy and healthy, otherwise he wouldn't have nearly the drive he has. Between the Quaker and Amazon it gets kind of loud in here. All the panting and heaving sounds...

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Jeez, you guys make Nilah sound like a sex addict! She has gone thru this for the last 2 years, from spring all thru the summer every day when I get one from work. I won't go into details, but I'm her substitute mate.....in the beginning as per the advice I got here, I discouraged it, even getting up and leaving the room. But that left her so frustrated, she would become a brat misbehaving. When i finally ignored it and allowed her to satisfy herself while perched on me , she would become quite happy and content and a sweetheart..... So........


She's finally calmed down now, and here it is the end of August.

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