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It took some time to get registered! I've been trying for a few months now. But i the meantime I've been combing the threads and soaking in all the accumulated knowledge. Especially the Rescue Haven.


I am probably a rarity on this site.

I presently have no birds! :eek: But I have had a love affair with many of them over the years. I had a couple of budgies growing up. Owned a few while I was in the military. But my desire (since I was 16 or so and met a handsome fellow whose parront ran a pet store near where I worked) has always been to have an African Grey.


The desire to get one peaked when my youngest started school; but my husband finally vetoed my dream after stringing me along for years with promises of "when we are living back in the States" and "when the kids are all in school so you'll have more time" and "when I'm closer to retirement".

Well. Last October he decided the marriage was over (no apologies please, this divorce probably saved my life things were that bad). After the worst of the emotional shock wore off I realized something very happy; I no longer had an obstacle in the way of parronthood! :D


However, I am not the kind of person who often acts impulsively. Several things need to fall into place before my dream finally becomes reality. First off I need to get back into the workforce and the custody issues need to be settled. That way when the bird comes home, he/she won't have to adjust to me suddenly working down the road after months of undivided attention. Second is that my time with my dogs needs to come to a close. I've got two and while both are older, both also have high prey drives. Having a prey animal in the house is too much of a risk for me to accept. And I will NOT get rid of my dogs. I've had them since they were puppies. Relinquishing animals is not part of my vocabulary. Third, I want to have the money to purchase the biggest and best cage, install an outdoor aviary, and have an embarrassing collection of toys available before my fid comes home. That is going to require time.....and a job LOL.


I am especially thrilled with the stories I've read in the Rescue Haven. I'm no spring chicken myself and although the kids have all promised to take in my future fid after I am no longer able to care for it, I am not going to presume that will be their attitudes will be the same in 30+ years or that any of the will be able to take in my parrot. My plan is to adopt an older parrot from a rescue facility. Hopefully 10+ years old as it was 10 years ago that I first broached my plan to get a parrot with the future ex.


In the meantime, I'll going to continue to lurk, ask tons of questions, vicariously enjoy parronthood from the pictures, stories, and videos everyone posts, plot and plan for my future parrot, smooze the parrots of friends, and volunteer with local rescue groups as I find the time and opportunity; the Oasis Sanctuary provides boarding in exchange for labor so I'll probably plan myself a working vacation from time to time.


Thanks for letting me be a member of your community!


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Welcome Shauna! It's GreYt to hear you finally got past the captcha issues. Thanks for the introduction and I hope your Dream of having a resuce grey in need of a loving home solidifies fast for you. It would mean your employed and stable enough to give that grey a loving home. I look forward to hearing more from you. You don't need to own a grey to be activate and commenting or asking questions here. :)

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Great post Shauna! Welcome to the Grey family. I hung around here for about 3 months before I got my first parrot. I didn't become a grey parront until my children were grown and my hubby ceased to exist. I have three, a TAG (5 years old), a CAG ) 2 years old) and a re-homed BF ZON, (5 years old). They are all fully-flighted and buzz around my home most days. Looking forward to joining you on your journey to acquire your badly wanted grey and watching you both flourish together.

Edited by luvparrots
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Welcome Welcome Welcome!! Your story is so great!! I am so happy that you won't relinquish your puppies!! I lost a TIEL to a terrier I was puppy sitting years ago. So understand that problem. Mixing them can be done, but it takes a lot of work and always having your mind on what it should be on. You will get your Grey when the time is right for everyone. I look forward to getting to know you in the meantime.

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Hi Shauna and welcome to the grey forums. Great intro and we all hope your dreams come true.

Sounds like you have a real plan for you and your future companion.

Life with a grey is going to change your life and you for the better.

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Hello Shauna and welcome to our family, you do not have to own any birds to be a member, just have the love for them and you certainly have that and one day your dream will be a reality and you will be so glad you found out all you can before that day arrives, you will learn a lot from the members on this site.

No apologies are needed for sometimes we have to break away from the ones who are pulling us down and keeping us from realizing our dreams.

I have heard good things about the Oasis Sanctuary, good that you are close enough to them to volunteer your time.

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Hello and welcome Shauna! You are certainly taking the right approach in learning all you can and waiting until the time is right to get your grey. I rehomed a TAG last summer with no info or knowledge. I found this forum while digging desperately online for resources when I realized I didn't know what I was doing. We would have both had a smoother transition if I hadn't got the cart before the horse so to speak. Good luck and God bless! :)

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