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Happy Birds

Ray P

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Mama is home from the hospital and the birds are singing.

As my wife came through the door and the birds saw her they all started to yell and sing as they were glad to see her home. Each trying to get her attention and all at the same time. Our two dachshunds, Bacon and Cocoa were all excited to see her and they made her welcome home very special.

The first thing Corky our grey did was to fly over and land on her shoulder and poop. (This was the first thing Corky did when we first met her at 9 weeks old.) Although at that time she was to young to fly, but she climbed her arm to her shoulder and pooped. Don`t ask, it`s a special thing with them.

Cricket was yelling HI HI and her name Cricket Cricket and Willie our cockatiel was singing up a storm.

It was a good welcome home.

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So glad to hear Mama is back with her flock. Doesn't it just warm you from the inside out when they show you how much they have missed you. They have such a way of making you feel their love and how attached to you they are. That should speed up her recovery!

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