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Greycie's official first word[s]


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She's 9mos and has landed her first word/phrase:


<whistle><whistle> "COME ON"!!!!

<whistle><whistle> "COME ON"!!!!

<whistle><whistle> "COME ON"!!!!

<whistle><whistle> "COME ON"!!!!

<whistle><whistle> "COME ON"!!!!

<whistle><whistle> "COME ON"!!!!

<whistle><whistle> "COME ON"!!!!


...when will it stop already?


She's been saying it for about a month but she really perfected it a couple of days ago to the point where she sounds exactly like my wife calling the damn dogs. Of all the words I've been trying to teach her to see which one would be her first and it has to be that damn ear grating , out-of-tune <whistle><whistle>"Come On" that my wife does. Greycie's a great whistler and she even mimics the out-of-tune'ness of the whistle. It's hell. Now I have to listen to it constantly.

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HA! Bear with this period, more will come. Marco's first real word was 'good' and he went through a phase of nothing but 'good' in every possible tone and inflection, most often as if he were addressing small children. We laughed it off and persisted with new words until he picked them up eventually.

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I tried so hard to get marco's first words to be i love you and have YET to hear it :( her first real words were hello and peek a boo but I havent heard those in quite some time she has definately moved on ... her latest was 2 days ago and it was step up and shes actually saying Marco (pause) Polo ... (and that totally makes me giggle) ... each new thing she says is a rejoice moment so .. as the others have said, this too shall pass until the NEXT fun thing sinks in ...

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Congrats on the first words. They are always a word/sound that is important to them and normally one that is used with enthusiasm. It is rarely a word that you just use over and over that you want them to say first. You have your priorities, they have theirs. They are rarely the same. I can guarantee a word said with high emotion and gusto will be picked up almost instantly. Like a situation where something happens, you flip out and cuss. Thankfully, I am certain you never do. :P;)

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Marco still says almost none of the words we endlessly repeated to him, from the time we visited him weekly as a chick. Much to our chagrin! That said, he speaks well over 60 words/phrases, so who are we to complain?


Does anyone else's grey almost climb in your mouth when he is learning a new word/phrase? Marco will stare and stare into my mouth and practically try to climb on in to get closer to the source. A little annoying, but we know a new word is coming when he does this.

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My Marco doesnt do that but she definately stares intently with her head cocked to the side like shes REALLY trying to understand you. I find it utterly amazing how smart she is. She knows the "sound" of a potato chip bag! LMAO she literally comes running at the first "crinkle sound" of the bag :o

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