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If you are not using.... You should!


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After reading all the information about avian lighting here on the board, and a few other articles, I thought Sukei was getting enough sun in the morning. We bring her outside at 6Am for about 45 min while it is still under 100 degrees.


The vet mentioned that I should get one, but I didn't really think about it anymore.


Found myself at petzone wandering around looking at all the parrots and parrot paraphernalia and saw a light... 22KD ($77 US)


So I picked it up, thought, it cant hurt.


Well I am a believer...... scratching/picking is way down, activity level is way up and he is MUCH more vocal. Might be my imagination, but he appears to be eating more also. It is also a good night time signal, if he is out of the cage and I turn off the light, he climbs right in the house :)


Guess we will see how it goes :)

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It's good to hear you have gotten an avian light for Sukei. The uva it produces will light up the 4th visible portion of they have that we humans do not. The uvb will start the production of vitamin D3. Every home that has birds in them should have avian lighting for each cage. I don't think most people understand that with out it, a birds physical and mental health is drastically affected.

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