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Kisses! And Showers!


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Radar is now giving kisses on demand, and for other things. Most noticeably...... he knows he is NOT allowed on the new baby's cage when Echo is out, mostly because Echo is afraid of him. He LOVES the new bird and wants to smother him, and always looks taken aback when Echo yells at him.

Anyways, a few days ago he started doing something funny. He crosses over the jungle gym and puts one foot out in midair, but stops to find me and make sure I am looking. He then blows kisses at me, pauses again, and climbs onto Echo's cage. When he gets there, every two-three steps he stops and blows kisses in my direction. It's almost as if he is saying, "Hey mom, I'm gonna blow you kisses.. and as long as I am showing you love, I can get away with this right?" Just like a typical toddler!!!


Also, Radar loves to take showers with family members, but only to perch on the shower curtain rod. If you dare get him wet, he will flip out and fly away. He takes baths regularly in his water dish. Anyways, I have a spray bottle with water in it that I wanted to use to mist him. He was terrified of it! It has just been sitting there collecting dust until one of my kids decided that in order to keep Radar off of Echo's cage when I was unavailable to move him away, they would hold up the water bottle. It worked at first as Radar would move the other way as fast as he could. Until the other day... Sarah held up the water bottle and he fluffed out at her challenging her. He wanted to see Echo! I came into the room and he looked like he was in a playful mood, so I spritzed him and he just stood there. I wound up giving him a total soaking before he decided to go back to his own cage. He allowed me to spray him down again today. Needless to say, the spray bottle is now a fun thing for him. :)



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Great way to get him bathed while his attention is focused on Echo. We just never know when a happy coincidence will make our life just a little better. Awesome way for him to overcome his fear of the spray bottle, even if that wasn't the intention. He was cute about blowing you kisses to distract you too. I love how clever these parrots are, it never fails to amaze and delight me to hear their antics. Thanks for painting such a vivid picture of Radar's imaginative interactions.

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Thanks for the update on radar and echo. It sounds like life is becoming very interesting. I love reading cute interactions like you have described. They are a never ending joy to watch and love for who they are. Get some photos or videos of these when you get a chance. :)

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After reading your posts, I think the only thing Radar cares about, is getting to ECHO! The lifting of the foot, is a warning, but Radar is following the rules. He sooo wants Echo to be part of his life. It can eventually be a " stress" for him. I suggest leaving the cages side by side! Thru supervision, birds make their own decisions. Nancy

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Nancy, Radar is enamored with Echo, especially the orange on his wing. But the poor baby is afraid of Radar because he is so much smaller than him. They have in the past day developed communication with each other. Last night they spent 20 minutes or so chattering and making noises at each other. It really seemed like they were talking. I am hoping Echo comes around and accepts Radar's friendship!

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