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Dayo Chatting this morning...


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I Love that he wants to go water the flowers. It's so funny to hear Dayo talk, all my birds talk in a girls voice. I'm not used to hearing apart talk,in a mans voice. Although Rikki used to, but no longer, she sounds more like an old hag.....

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I love watching Dayo and hearing all the things going on in his house. He is constantly in motion. He moved more in six minutes than Gilbert does in two days. I loved when he talked about turning off the light, then he pulled on a toy near his light, and said "there". You have a great relationship, thanks for letting us enjoy it with you.

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Dayo does certainly lke going outside and watching us water and also all the wildlife activities going on constantly in our rural setting where our new home is. He has settled in nicely and so has jake. Dayo masted turning lights on and off a few years ago when he could reach any switch and do so. He also knows that pulling the chain on the ceiling fan lights turns them on and off, thus pulling hanging items in his cage and saying "There and/or Thats better". He has mastered my voice well and sometimes when Kim thinks I am still in ear shot thinks it's me talking until she turns and see's it is dayo and I am long gone. :P


Here is a few shots of the view when outside with some of the wildlife.


The Coyote visits the plowed field two or three times everyday hoping to snag a squirrel, which he hasn't that we know of.




House Finchs frequent our bird feeder all day long




The King of the Squirrels setting on his thrown and gives us an audience sometimes.



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I'm off today lol, had just set up an avian light for Sukei, so we just sat there and watched.... Some of Sukei's reactions were funny... at times it appeared he was not interested at all, and then all off a sudden the head would whip around the neck stretch up real tall and be memorized....


It was fun, thanks for posting them.

Edited by KevinD
spelling lol
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I'm off today lol, had just set up an avian light for Sukei, so we just sat there and watched.... Some of Sukei's reactions were funny... at times it appeared he was not interested at all, and then all off a sudden the head would whip around the neck stretch up real tall and be memorized....It was fun, thanks for posting them.


It is fun to watch our greys reactions when they are watching videos of other greys. They certainly do have their moments when whatever it is sparks a reaction. :)

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I always love watching Dayo. I still can't get over how human-like he sounds. Gracie talks all the time, but she does NOT have my voice. Do you think size makes a difference? She is a small female CAG. I wonder if her vocal equipment is just different than larger greys.

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Jeff - Not all greys will decide to spend the time to calibrate and perfect the exact sound of a persons voice. Sometimes they prefer to develop their own personal voice instead. Gracie is a perfect example of this. Her speech is perfectly clear and she has added at least 200 words and phrases to her vocabulary and that is impressive. Maybe she wants to sound more female to keep her love muffin (You) just melting when she speaks. :)


My theory on Dayo's imitating my voice perfectly. Is he has been wanting to replace me and have kim all to himself since the day he met her at the breeders. :P

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That's the part I love about living in the country.

We have the deer, wild turkey, Pheasant and coyote along with a bear and a bobcat that walk through our back yard from time to time.


In the city we have a different set of wild life. Airplanes, buses, window shaking bass blasters, fire trucks, ambulances, helicopters, robins and seagulls (and a few very lonely crickets that will be relocated if I can find them).

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It is unusual that Dayo speaks in Dan's voice but Kim is his favorite human, I can't recall if he has ever spoken in her voice. Josey speaks in my voice most of the time but a few things she does in my hubby's voice but her laugh is definitely all mine.

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