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Taming the Wild Marco...


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I gotta say Im pretty pleased as attached as Marco is to me, Im really happy to see that the new roomie in 2months, has reallllly charmed her and can handle her "most" of the time. He gets nipped a few times but he hasnt stopped trying and working with her. Hes really good with Marco, talks to her all the time, makes her dinner, and has since been able to pick her up and play with her. He spoils her! Hes even taught her some new words :D so just when I thought no one would ever be able to touch her and enjoy her but hubby and me, I am pleasantly suprised.

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I believe all greys can adjust to all family members and friends. It has to be a commitment on the humans part. Sophie will stepup to many outside of our family.First.... all family members have something to " bring to the table", that Sophie wants. Next... when meeting friends, they all have " something to bring to the table", that Sophie likes.

We play alot of board games that Sophie likes to be on a team. She recognizes when a team is losing, and gladly stepsup to the team that is winning! She has no problem " throwing her family under the bus ", to be on the winning side.LOL Nancy

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Well he's tried really hard to "woo" her and gain her acceptance, his mom used to have a bird (so he has told me) but said it bit him all the time so he was very leary of Marco but ... shes really becoming more and more comfortable round him. It just makes me feel like, theres hope for my boys "IF" they put the time into her, like he did, that she would happily accept them too :D

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Yes indeed. Most of us know from experience that it takes time and effort to gain a bird's trust so I imagine you are right on about your boys! It has taken awhile for my husband to build a relationship with Timber, but he has. Gary isn't his favorite, but he enjoys playing games with him and lets him scratch the top of his head now. That's a long way from the aggression he had toward him initially.

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