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"Life of a Grey"


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I hired an autistic young man age 18, to help me with weeding, as I am overwhelmed with things that need to be done, and I work too much! He is doing a fantastic job, but when he is " thi I told him he could come see Sophie againrsty", he sits and talks to me for several hours! He has met Sophie before, but she came to meet him again, and he was just " thrilled". For over an hour, she " chewed his ear off", and he listened to every word, and was just amazed! He deciphered every word she said, and interprepted it so differently than me. It was such an experience for me.Apparently, she has soooo much more to say, that I didn't know, until I understood Sean's world.Things she says, I didn't know what she was saying, but he did! I told him he could come see Sophie again, even when his work is done. She truly likes him. Nancy

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