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Echo update


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Wow! I had no clue that orange wings were so LOUD! Echo is constantly making this loud sound, in groups of three or four. When I walk in the room or look at him, it gets even louder! He makes the same sound, with variations for everything he wants.


This is a typical morning in our house. Echo was just getting warmed up!

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/video/embed?video_id=10201187442987057" width="568" height="320" frameborder="0"></iframe>


Also, do baby birds go through growth spurts the same was human babies do? Echo has doubled his formula intake in the past day, but he also looks bigger and is eating pellets too. When we brought him home, he was on two feedings and only two syringe fulls each feeding. He is now on 3 feedings a day and three- four syringe fulls.


He does seem like a very happy bird, and is very comfortable around everyone with the exception of Radar!





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Amazons are very out going parrots when it comes to their personality. They like attention and will do just about anything to get it and that includes loud noise and animated actions.

(fun to watch)

If your baby is hungry than feed it with the proper diet.

As your amazon gets older make sure it gets plenty of exercise as they can become over weight. You don`t want a 40 lb. orange winged amazon.

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You don`t want a 40 lb. orange winged amazon.


Now that's a scary thought!

If he is hungry then feed him his handfeedings, its called abundance feeding and he will let you know when he is ready to stop them, sounds like you are doing well with each other and I can't wait to see the video of him when you get it straightened out so we can view it.

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A 40 lb amazon?!!!!! Holy smokes!!!!!!!!!!!! I am feeding Echo Kaytee formula, and offering fresh fruits and veggies. Radar gets fresh food everyday in addition to his pellets.

My birds get plenty of exercise. Radar (and now Echo) are out of their cage at least 7-10 hours a day and have plenty of toys and things to climb on. I also take Radar outside on a harness and will do the same when Echo is a bit older.


NEW THIS MORNING!!!!! After I posted, Echo started making all sorts of sounds under his breath, including one whistle. It is mostly when he is sleepy, but he chirped at a toy too! It is so exciting to hear something different other than the baby cheep!

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Amazons can be very loud. We finally understood and compromised for Kiki to be loud and scream between the hour of 3-4 pm. She didn't scream the entire hour, but it was her hour to do what she did best! No corrections of her behavior, just letting an Amazon do, what they do best! She always had a healthy appetite, and ate the best of all our fids! She taught them all what healthy was about. Nancy

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