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It is official.. Crazy bird lady...


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So last night the neighbor came over and Cotay was on Pats shoulder. As soon as she saw her, Cotay promptly plucked out a feather. We politly rushed her outside so Cotay would relax again. How sad. Cotay is just a cutie pie. She yaks and yaks. We got a "Listen, "insert fart sound here", hahahaha" It was so funny! Now its "Are you ready?" "Go to work!"

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Cotay i'm sure is going to bring you lots of joy! My rules of cussing is to do it in the garage! Needless to say... my boys spend alot of time in garage. Sophie has a very clean mouth, but it took forever to get her over a new cuss word, as we had a revolving door of foul mouthed teenagers!LOL! Asshole is her favorite. I give her the " stink eye", when she does it. She knows. Nancy

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I remember Gabby and how much that girl hated me when she moved in. Cotay hates me more, I can't even go near her cage or get her to step up. She does lure me to her with the sweetest hello and come here, then when i am close to her she strikes out at me. I am giving her her space and the time she needs, after all, Pat is her chosen one so she does get handled everyday and lots of play time so its okay with me. It has been a little over a year and Gabby has just started letting me touch her, when she wants anyway, and mostly her beak or the ever special back stroke.

You guys won't believe what she said also... Howard. Both of us were shocked. Gabby use to call Pat Howard when she first got here so to hear Cotay say it had me rolling. Pat said he was going to find this Howard and ask him to stop getting birds and teaching them his name! Me, i have decided to teach Bubba to say Howard also. I got a How outta him last night. Pat just shook his head. lol Can't beat em, join em!

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Cotay has been saying this one word over and over since she has been here, we thought it was spanish or something. Finally able to get the meaning of the word. It's Laqueta (sounds like lakweta), a few of our spanish speaking friends have said it could mean water but they would need to hear it because it is very much like other words. I put it in a google search and low and behold it means, African girl. I am starting to wonder if this was her name at one point. She has a few voices and when she says that it is clear as a bell along with all her other fun words but when she says Cotay, it is very soft and almost a wisper as if it is a new word for her. We don't know which to call her. As confused as we are she must be baffeled!

We are starting her flying lessons this weekend, lol. She has zero control, she will take off and just fly upward and her landings consist of hitting the wall and dropping to the floor. So we are not encouraging this right now of course. We tried a few short flights but the poor girl just couldn't master it and was so winded it sounded like she was weezing.

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