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It is official.. Crazy bird lady...


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Do you all remember Cotay? A rescue that my neighbor took in for me? She came to live with us tonight. My neighbor was overwhelmed with her flock and was at her witts end so i offered to take her in with our flock. She has a beautiful red factor around her neck, feathers on her head and her wings and her tail, she is a plucker. She is flighted however and fly she does! She has had us laughing and trying hard to hear what she is saying. It started with food, Pat handed her an apple, she beaked it and said "tomato", then an egg, again "tomato", then a piece of cantaloupe, yet again she said "tomato". Every time we talk she starts talking, just to be talking, and she speaks Spanish so we have been told. This is weird for us, lol, five others and very little chatter. She just talks up a storm. She has taken to Pat already, it is so cute. She came over to me while i was cooking their dinner so i picked her up but she wanted Pat asap by God, her foot was up and reaching for him. I do not think she was out too much at all at the neighbors since they had the Scarlett and she rules the roost. This all seems too new to her. We can't wait till the morning, outside to a big aviary where she can fly and be just be a bird! So we are now at 3 greys, 2 b&g macaws and one Gus (U2). My hands are full! but loving almost every minute ( Gus is still screaming and even now with the wing clip can fly to us and bite, arrgghhh!!).

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Did you give the poor bird a tomato? ROFL.


So was she eating what was offered and just calling everything a tomato or do you have one who tells you what she wants? Please tell us all about her trip to the aviary outside. From what you describe be ready to give names to everything as she explores.

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I did offer a tomato and told her if she called a bannana i would scream. She didn't say tomato, just tried to eat the stem so i assusme she likes dark leafy things that, of course, i am out of. lol Everytime Pat would try to talk, she would interrupt him with something she wants to say. She burps, she farts, you go to pick her up and she says come on. She really is non stop babble. Says good night, see you later. My fav so far, she was on the big perch in the window, just looking out, then turned around to face us and looked all around the stand and said" Ahh, this will work". Pat and i were laughing so hard at that and we decided she has chosen to stay! She has taken a liking to Pat, just like Gabby did. I can pick her up but i try to hold her for too long she flies off to Pat or just sticks her foot out in his direction like, "there woman, i wanna go there, see where i am pointing too, take me there now"

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You DO have your hands full but hey you will never be lonely or bored, congrats on taking Cotay in and it seems he finally has someone to pay attention to him now so he is making up for lost time, at least if he is chattering all the time you will know where he is, a good locator beacon.

Let us know how the adventure to the outside aviary goes today.

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The outdoor time was great, the three of them were flying all around the aviary. We were inside setting up the cage and room and every time we checked they were in a new position. It is kinda funny that she was not able to be out when the other birds were out at her old home, but here she shares the stand with Bongo and Gabby and all is well. Went thru the tomato thing again yesterday so i asked my neighbor what was up with that. She said she was told that she isn't saying tomato but rather calling you her maid in Spanish. ( sadeko, spelling is way off here but thats what it sounds like ) So of course i had to call a friend who does speak spanish and they said they had never heard of that before and said what the word is for maid and it isn't even close. She is either saying tomato or something else all together, back to the guessing game. I was singing and dancing to some silly song and she promptly gave me the raspberrie noise and laughed like i have never heard a bird laugh before. Pat wasn't even in the room when she started but she did it for so long he made it into the room to hear it for himself. I must really suck! lol she got Bubba laughing too. I did catch a video of her and Pat having their love fest, cutest thing ever. It is like she was starved for attention.

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Oh honey, it was official a long time ago. This is just another confirmation. LOL. There is something to be said for us crazy ole bird ladies, and gentlemen. Each of yours brings something special to the flock and you are able to keep up and care for all of them and still have some semblance of a social life, so the more the merrier. Cotay sounds like a lovely addition. Happy day for her, wishing you many more.

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How funny, after I read the "wish you many more" I started laughing and said to myself, now who's the crazy one!! Thanks for clearing that up. ROTF!!

So, now my neighbor is getting wishy washy about giving Cotay up. She came by after work and told me not to say any more, that she was feeling pressure. She said it wasn't from us, just in general. She said she knows she is happier here with the other birds, being out all the time and loving Pat like she does, but she said she wasn't sure she could go thru with it. Then she said she would get past that feeling. I am at a loss here. First off, I know i got her into the this with Cotay and i also know the price she paid as i was the one who was doing that part of it. She said she needed to atleast get her money back, so i agreed, now she is asking more for her, thats ok too. To keep her here and happy is my main concern right now, not how she feels like she is giving up her child. Thanks, just needed to vent. I know giving up a bird is hard and i can not and will not take that away from her and how she is feeling but I can't let Cotay go a second time.

I am also thinking that this word she is saying is not Spanish but something else, anything you give her she says it, i am thinking it may be "thank you".

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Usually, if what you THINK your bird is saying, they usually are! Shame on this woman for what is basically EXTORTION! Let her know you have no more money and let her see how happy Cotay is! If she has any human decency, she will back off. Don't give into her money demands, and certainly... don't let her get her mitts back on Cotay! He is home finally! Nancy

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This woman just doesn't understand how going back and forth is not good for Cotay, she is happier with you and Pat, she is feeling guilty for she let a bird go to someone else, tell her to quit thinking of just herself and focus on what is best for Cotay and we all know what that is.

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I have not been in the position to give up a parrot willingly, nor a child for that matter. However, on one hand I can feel for her sense of loss and failure. With that said. If someone really responsible and dependable came along and had a better home to offer Gilbert and he opened his heart to someone else in a way he could not manage for me, I think all the work, expense and love we have had for him would be big enough to really consider what would make him happy. I can't imagine being in that position and I am not now nor in the future going to look for another home for him, just (heaven forbid) if I could not reach him and someone else obviously could, it wouldn't be a matter of attempting to recover my loss or financial expense. Maybe with a little time she can come to grips with her decision.

Edited by katana600
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As far as the money goes, i have no problem paying if it keeps her with us and keeps the neighborhood sane. I did not hear from her tonight so after 2 days of her being here my guess is she is staying. They are goin on vacation soon so i am sure she just wants the money for that.

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I have given a parrot away for the love of the bird. I re-homed an older ekkie who my TAG hated. Ana Grey would fly at him and chase Sully relentlessly. I give him away for his good and happiness. I gave away his cage and toys and everything that was his at no charge. For the love of the parrot. Sully is very happy and goes all over the place with his owners. If you remember, Sully came over once and climbed up my shoulder to give me a kiss on my cheek and then climbed back to his owner. I believe he was thanking me for giving him a loving home. I have a re-homed zon now that prefers men to woman. When I find the right man, I will give Louie away for the love of the parrot. I am open to re-homing others if I find a needy parrot. Perhaps being a farmer's daughter and raising animals for food makes it easier for me to remember that they are animals and can be replaced.

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I will admit that we feel the same with Gus. If and only if the perfect someone comes around I would not hesitate to offer him to them. He is wondeful and a joy but he needs to be the center of attention and probably an only bird to bring out his best. There has only been one person who has come to the house that he has not freaked out with and that guy wants a bird very badly but just had a baby so not the right fit. Time will tell.

Had a long discussion about Cotay, she is a plucker and only 11 years old. There are feathers coming in and we want to catch this before damage is done. We are actually thinking about a cone if the aloe doesn't work. We are loading her up with preening toys and she is destroying them, some though i don't think she knows what to do with. lol. At the last bird show i got a grass mat full of stuff but for some reason only got one so it has been just hanging up in the room until i could decide who needed it most. Its as if i knew in the back of my head to get extra toys!

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The flip flop of emotions is understandable on her part. At least that means she cared for Cotay. There is no doubt Cotay is better off and happier at your home. I'm with you on the thought that money for the vacation and the time away from Cotay will close the deal. :)

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She called this morning and said she was ours, no changing her mind. I told her to be very sure because after she says this it is done. She said she was very sure and what was holding her back was her own selfishness. So i finally felt i could take a picture of her. Promptly after the picture was taken, i got the stink eye and she said F - you to me. All i could do was look at her in shock, my husband who was standing there also, finally broke the silence and said " Well, i guess she doesn't like her picture taken." and walked away. I had to join him in that walk as the laughter was building up inside and thats something we don't want her spitting out. She talks so much we can't keep track of her words and worse she does speak spanish, the word she is saying is servent, this morning when giving her breakfast she actually said "oh waiter". Who ever had this girl at one point sure had a sense of humor. It is only day 2... lol

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Well it seems she has grown tired of the paparazzi snapping photos and let you know it. :P


It's good to hear she is yours and now you can enjoy her and show her how a good home can be. I hope to hear much more about her as she gets settled in. :)

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